What's so bad about Google knowing I need Kleenex? Look at it in the aggregate - see how information... can be used to target people based on their profiles and change the course of human history, as I believe it is already beginning to do. This knowledge that I need Kleenex has bigger complications than just needing Kleenex.
I haven't left the house without a packet of Kleenex in my back pocket for as long as I can remember. Whenever I start thinking I'm incredibly cool, the packet of Kleenex in my back pocket brings me right back down to earth.
The earth is a used Kleenex on the universe's nightstand.
Just how could a nation often be great if it's bread tastes want Kleenex.
I learned just by going around. I know all about Kleenex factories, and all sorts of things.
There are no Kleenex boxes on these loops, just so you know.
How can a nation be called great if its bread tastes like kleenex?
If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex?
Men should be like Kleenex, soft, strong and disposable.
I love being manipulated by what I see. I love weepies and romantic comedies where you're reaching for the Kleenex at the right moment.
In regards to your love life, you're just entering into a whole of pain if you talk about it. If you've never said anything, there are no sound bites to haunt you when you're crying into a box of Kleenex after it all goes wrong.
But you're so helpless sometimes. It's like watching a kitten with its head trapped in a Kleenex box.
I went to a funeral recently, and they handed out Kleenex before the funeral. Which I thought was cocky.
It's just another of Robin's sayings. Like, 'Holy strawberries, Batman, we're in a jam! Or, Holy Kleenex, Batman, it was right under our nose and we blew it!
good call. A second drag and your next stop's the wastepaper basket - and not to toss your kleenex, true.
Rappers are usually rapping about knowledge they think people need to get by in the world. If there's no movement that gives the idea that the knowledge people need is how to take over the system, what they see is that people need to know how to hustle; people need to know how to survive.
I always said if I could figure out a way to grow Kleenex and toilet paper on trees, we could pull the plug on society.