A Quote by Mandira Bedi

I was offered only item numbers and did not want to accept as I had it ticked off my bucket list. — © Mandira Bedi
I was offered only item numbers and did not want to accept as I had it ticked off my bucket list.
Coming up with the bucket list is the easy part, but ticking off the list is the challenge. I love a good challenge, which is why I strongly advise everyone to come up with a bucket list. It doesn't have to contain out of this world tasks. But once you have written down the list, screw it, just do it!
Go to the Black Sea, meet new people, see beautiful places, get killed by a mutant carnivorous kangaroo goat. One item off my bucket list.
I don't have a bucket list because it is my dedication to live every day of my life there. I don't have a bucket list because I'm doing it that day. I don't want to go to bed and say, 'Oh, I wish I had done this.
I don't have a bucket list because it is my dedication to live every day of my life there. I don't have a bucket list because I'm doing it that day. I don't want to go to bed and say, 'Oh, I wish I had done this.'
I was in the 'Alvin and the Chipmunk' movie, which was a real bucket list item.
I think a big bucket list item for me and Jonathan is to produce some of our own scripted films and series.
I won't make a bucket list because I'm so afraid that I'll die and then people will find my bucket list and be, like, 'Oh, she didn't get to do that.'
On 3 things in his bucket list: On my bucket list... Uhm, the question is totally catching me by surprise. Some more travel, spending quality time with my family and just getting the most I can out of my wife and daughter.
One day, I got so disgusted that I sat down and wrote a list called 'Justin's list of things to do before he kicks the bucket.' I wrote it for myself and shortened it to 'Justin's Bucket List.' It was there on the wall, not as a story idea but as a motivational tool for myself, which actually ended up working pretty well.
Israel was always on my bucket list, it was always one of those places that you check off and move onto the next place, but I'm never going to check Israel off my list. It's a place I'm always going to want to come back to.
I guess I did get to tick a big one off the bucket list, though, and that was being on a giant billboard smack-bang in the hub of Hollywood Boulevard. That was... well, pretty Hollywood.
Sometimes you check things off because you've done them. If you aren't checking stuff off your bucket list, you aren't living very well.
I have an opportunity to give a voice to those who have no voice. Even though film production wasn't a bucket list item for my life, what I have been passionate about is creating change and impacting society - especially bringing conversations forward on formerly taboo subjects.
Of course witnessing poverty was the first to be ticked off the list. Then I had to graduate to the more obscure stuff. Being in a riot was something I pursued with a truly obsessive zeal, along with being tear-gassed and hearing gunshots fired in anger.
In high school, I created a fan group for J.D. Williams, who played Bodie on 'The Wire.' I had the chance to meet him, and he took me to have lunch at IHOP. At that point in my life, I noticed this Internet thing was giving me the chance to check off goals off of my bucket list.
It's a privilege and honor to write and star in my own comic. I can officially cross that off the bucket list!
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