A Quote by Manushi Chhillar

Believe in yourself and never shy away from hard work. — © Manushi Chhillar
Believe in yourself and never shy away from hard work.
Don't listen to what people tell you, there are always doubters. Work hard, believe in yourself, and believe in your ability and just work hard.
I'm never one to shy away from competition or working hard.
Besides training, you need to be focused and not shy away from hard work.
There's no substitute for hard work. If you work hard and prepare yourself, you might get beat, but you'll never lose.
You can never make yourself believe that you're loveable, however hard you try, because when the chips are down what you really believe rises to the surface of the mind to replace what you want to believe.
I think self-belief is a massive thing in football. If you don't believe in yourself, not many others will. Work hard and believe in yourself, and I think you'll go as far as your body will take you.
I believe in kindness and niceness and lots of spiritual things, but the real intellectual rigor and quest of logic is something that I'm afraid takes incredibly hard work and we live in an age in which hard work is if not actively deprecated or denigrated it is run away from or ignored.
I'm a musician - music will never go away - but my focus is acting, and I started late so I have to play catch-up. So that means I have to work twice as hard in this game. But it will never stop, I think I always feel I have to work twice as hard.
You have to work with your body when you dance; you can't shy away from your physicality. For me, it's really linked to an incandescent way of accepting yourself and projecting. The dancing was at the core from the beginning.
Sometimes, I pinch myself. Through everything, its about hard work... believing in yourself and in the American dream. Believe that you can make something out of yourself.
Even for players younger than me, you never have to give up. When you believe in yourself, people can say what they want, but when you work hard and you have your head clear, then everything is possible.
Believe in yourself, work hard, work smart and passionately present your best self to the world.
I will attack ideas very hard. I am not shy about that one bit. So I don't want people to think that because I had a call for civility that that means I shy away from debate and that I'm agreeable. That's not the case. What is the case is that I will not question who you are as a person.
Everyone says marriage is hard work, but they don't tell you that actually being yourself and respecting yourself is hard work.
Why must everything be repeat and repeat, never finish, never resting? You work so hard one day, but the next day you must only work again. You eat, but the next day, you are already hungry. You find love, then love goes away. You are born with nothing, you work hard, then you die with nothing. You are young, then you are old. No matter how hard you work, you cannot stop getting old. - Wayan
You've got to believe in yourself, you've got to have a very clear vision, and you've got have the fire in the belly and go out and not be shy with working because it takes a lot of work.
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