A Quote by Marc Rotenberg

We are looking to the FTC to see whether companies that break their promises and collect personal information in an unfair and deceptive manner will be held accountable.
If the government can manage to collect and release personal information in a secure and useful way, so can private companies, which will empower consumers to become better shoppers.
Why don't we call on the credit card companies to be accountable? They need to be held accountable for their predatory lending practices.
Challenging unfairly subsidized products, fighting counterfeit goods and intellectual property theft and holding countries accountable for an unfair currency regime will help American companies remain competitive.
Unfortunately, in today's world we have to be reminded that the power of an oath derives from the fact that in it we ask God to bear witness to the promises we make with the implicit expectation that He will hold us accountable for the manner in which we honor them.
This president has been reluctant to hold anybody accountable. No one was held accountable after September the 11th. Nobody's been held accountable after the clear flaws in intelligence leading up to the war in Iraq.
That's what I've learned the Patriots Way being: holding yourself accountable and attention to detail. It doesn't matter who you are, how long you've played, whether you're the nutritionist or starting quarterback, you're going to be held accountable, and you have a role.
I think everyone is "racist," to differing degrees, in that everyone's brain will automatically associate information with other information, based on the information they are looking at, but I think focusing on race in any manner that isn't neutral or self-aware probably increases racism.
Many climbers use the term 'objective hazard; to denote something they aren't to be held accountable for. I held myself accountable for the mistakes I made over the years.
It isn't citizens, or Congress, who decide how our information network regulates itself. We don't get to decide how information companies collect data, and we don't get to decide how transparent they should be. The tech companies do that all by themselves.
Whether it's Facebook or Google or the other companies, that basic principle that users should be able to see and control information about them that they themselves have revealed to the companies is not baked into how the companies work. But it's bigger than privacy. Privacy is about what you're willing to reveal about yourself.
Not only will you be held accountable for the things you do, but you will be held responsible for the very thoughts you think.
We have to take personal responsibility. The government didn't do its job when the institutions needed to be held accountable. If you see something's wrong, you can't just turn the other way. The regulatory system was totally rotten from top to bottom.
I don't know what to say about Asians. I think everyone is "racist," to differing degrees, in that everyone's brain will automatically associate information with other information, based on the information they are looking at (for example skin color, bone structure), but I think focusing on race in any manner that isn't neutral or self-aware probably increases racism.
The evidence is there and it is clear. We want the people to be held accountable. Everybody who played a role in the death of Martin Anderson, we want them to be held accountable.
The twin sister to autonomy and freedom is responsibility and accountability. You cannot have one with out the other. If someone is given an area of responsibility, not only must they be set free to do it, they must also be held accountable for what they do. Accountability clarifies freedom. In the teams and companies where you see boundary confusion, power struggles, control, over-reaching of one's line of responsibility, you will also see lapses in accountability as well.
Our job every single night is to call out hypocrisy on both sides to make sure we're holding Republicans accountable and Democrats accountable, that we're holding the president accountable for promises made.
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