A Quote by Maye Musk

I don't take supplements - I get nutrition from food. — © Maye Musk
I don't take supplements - I get nutrition from food.
I spend so much money on food, just getting the food for me is a tremendous expense, so there's no way I could even think about paying for supplements. I think of all supplements as food derivative anyway, so If I can only choose between getting the food or the supplements I'd rather opt for the food.
I'm not really into supplements, I mostly try to get it all from my food. I take multivitamins, vitamin D - which is really important - zinc and magnesium, but that's about it.
Nutrition is not a mathematical equation in which two plus two is four. The food we put in our mouths doesn't control our nutrition-not entirely. What our bodies do with that food does.
I take, like, 9,000 supplements every morning. I don't know if it's completely placebo or not, but I'm super committed to these supplements: like, I can't face the day without them.
Millions of Americans take vitamins safely every day, including me. Vitamins and mineral supplements taken in recommended doses are safe. It's the designer supplements that are worrisome.
I felt that what you should do is really take the best from each party's agenda and come to a solution somewhere above the positions of each party. So from the Left, take the idea that we need day care and food supplements for people on welfare. From the Right, take the idea that they have to work for a living and that there are time limits.
We must go beyond organic, as it is currently defined in the National Organic Standards, and strive for food that is not only healthful and natural but also local... Buying locally means farmers get more of the food dollar, we get better nutrition, and less fuel is consumed in transport.
Gifted Nutrition was able to show me that they had FDA-compliant ingredients in their supplements. I thought that was really huge, especially when you are trying to show people that you are a natural athlete.
Food is one part. Love is another part. So, the food will give them physical nutrition. The love and affection which you show, will give them mental nutrition.
There's food and supplements that you can take legally that will better your body and help you stay healthy. Shortcuts are something that's always been around all sports, but as a union, we're trying to do the best we can to weed those guys out of the game.
It's better to get the nutrients for healthy skin from food, not supplements. Salmon, walnuts, blueberries, spinach... lots of my favorite foods happen to be amazing for skin too.
Shiitake and reishi offer a diverse range of potential health benefits. You can take all of these supplements in perhaps eight to ten pills or capsules daily. If you take just three or four of these natural supplements at breakfast and the same number later in the day, you will have substantially increased your energy levels, boosted your immune system, lowered your risk of heart disease and cancer, and strengthened and balanced your overall system.
Every day, I have something that is so full of nutrition and so full of foods that give you life, rather than take them away, that it makes me feel amazing and really good inside. It balances my blood sugar, balances out all of the things that I need, the nutrition that I need to get into my body.
I treat myself pretty good. I take lots of vacations, I eat well, I take supplements, I do mercury detox, I get plenty of sleep, I drink plenty of water and I stay away from drama and stress.
Food is one part. Love is another part. I cut their hair, I give them a shave, I give them bath. For them, to feel psychologically that they are also human beings, there are people to care for them, they have a hand to hold, hope to live. So, the food will give them physical nutrition. The love and affection which you show, will give them mental nutrition.
Be the kind of person who takes supplements - then skip the supplements.
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