A Quote by Melanie Iglesias

'm the second oldest of eight kids. I'd have to say, what inspires me is making sure my siblings have a good role model to look up to. Nowadays, influencers do anything to keep up with each other for attention, and it's not always something today's youth should mimic. I understand that with great influence comes great responsibility.
Nowadays, influencers do anything to keep up with each other for attention, and it's not always something today's youth should mimic.
I'd have to say, what inspires me is making sure my siblings have a good role model to look up to.
People should look up to me. Young kids. I am a good role model. I'll show them how men should really be. And kids can take note from that. I am a good role model. Lots of kids look up to me.
I don't really understand why I should be a role model but I know that children do look up to me, so it is my responsibility to motivate people and be inspiring. I hope that I can do that for kids.
It's great for the little girls coming through the system now to have women to look up to because, when I was younger, my role models were more, like, Michael Owen and players from the men's team, but I get kids messaging me now saying they look up to me, and that's really touching for me, but it's great for the kids to have people to look up to.
I don't feel that I'm a role model. I'm just me. If people want to look up to me then that's their business. I'm not perfect and I don't consider myself to be a role model. But to be honest, I'd much rather my kids look up to me than look up to some rock star who gets off jail more times than is even funny.
Many times people will say, you know, you're such a great role model. Well, that's great, but at the end of the day, you have to learn to be your own best role model and learn what makes you happy, not necessarily what society thinks you're supposed to be or women that you look up to, what they're doing. I look at that as being a symbol in a blueprint, but never forget that who you are is what's most important.
It's always nerve-wracking when people say they look up to you or that you're a good role model. It's such a double-edged sword, because you realize you've been put on this pedestal, and you have to make sure that you don't do anything to get torn down.
The term role model is thrown around a lot, and I always tell people, your role models are hopefully parents and great influencers in your life. If I fall into that category, then I will embrace it for sure.
Once you become a professional athlete or once you do anything well, then you're automatically a role model ... I have no problem being a role model. I love it. I have kids looking up to me and hopefully I inspire these kids to do good things.
I recognise my responsibility, and it's funny when I read people who say they never asked to be a role model, and I understand that, but as soon as you have influence over people, you have a responsibility with what you do with that influence.
It's overwhelming ... to know there are hundreds of kids out there that look up to me. I know that's a big responsibility. I am also very confident to say that it is wonderful and I'll do my best that I can do to be the best role model I can be.
The two of you, there's something uncanny about the way you two are with each other. I mean everything--the way you look at each other, the way she relaxes when you put your hand on her back, the way you both seem to know what the other is always thinking, it's always struck me as extraordinary. That's another reason I keep putting marriage off. I know I want something like what you two share, and I'm not sure I've found it yet. I'm not sure I ever will. And with love like that, they say anything's possible, right?
I think that role model is kind of a weird thing because obviously you are, but I try to make good choices and good decisions for myself for me to have a good life. If that inspires someone else, that is great, but I think you should do good for yourself and your own happiness.
I think that when you are in the limelight it is part of your obligation to be a good role model. A lot of kids look up to you, and you are given a God-given talent, so it is your responsibility. It isn't hard to deal with. I never have to think twice about doing anything.
I've done things that can be made fun of. It's not such a bad thing. If I'm going to end up a role model, then I'd rather not end up being the kind of role model that pretends to be perfect, and pretends that she always has the right thing to say. I'm a product of role models that didn't make me feel like I was as good as them.
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