A Quote by Milind Soman

Whole purpose of doing endurance sport is to understand your body better, it's not about timing, it's not about competition, it's about understanding your body, mind, potential.
Your body's ability to function as a clean and efficient channel is limited by stiffness, lack of strength, and lack of endurance. Your mind's ability is limited by the way it thinks about itself, by the way you think about you. The process of yoga is one of undoing the obstructions and limitations in your body and mind that inhibit the free flow of creative life force.
I've always been into endurance sport, which I think is more about your mind pushing your body, which is definitely why that Bear Grylls book sung to me.
You've got to get your mind connected to the workout. Pay attention to what your body's doing. It's about connecting mind and the body. Visualize the muscles moving.
It's wrong to believe that you need a certain physical body type to run. All body types can run. It's not about your legs, muscles, or cellulite. It's not about the physical side of things. If you train your brain, your body will follow. It's that simple. The hard part isn't getting your body in shape. The hard part is getting your mind in shape.
The main thing about an endurance challenge is that you have to endure. Not so much physically, but mentally. Your mind gives up first. Not your body.
I know when I'm off alignment. I know when my body is out of adjustment. If your body is there, then mentally, you'll be there. If your body feels good, then your mind feels good and your are going to feel better about your game.
Everybody says your mind is the most important thing about your body. Your mind and your body. You keep both busy, and by God you'll be here a long time.
Life is about your soul, not about your body and not about your mind. Most people work hard to keep the body happy. Then they seek to stimulate their mind. Then... if there is time... they look after their soul. Yet the most beneficial priority has it just the other way around... When was the last time you paid attention to your soul?
You have to stand up and be a human. You have to honor the man or woman that you are. Respect your body, enjoy your body, love your body, feed, clean, and heal your body. Exercise and do what makes your body feel good. This is a puja to your body, and that is a communion between you and God. . . . When you practice giving love to every part of your body, you plant seeds of love in your mind, and when they grow, you will love, honor, and respect your body immensely.
The best thing about yoga is that it is not just about weight loss but being fit from within. It's about better concentration, a calmer mind, and knowing your body.
Your body actually reminds you about your age and your injuries - the body has a stronger memory than your mind.
You spend your whole life trapped inside your body. Everything you know about the world comes to you through your body.
This is a very stressful profession. Not just coaching, but head coaching at this level with all of the variables that you have on your mind 24/7, it does take a toll on your health and you have to be very cognizant about what's going on with your body and listen to your body and make sure that you take care of your body.
I really love yoga. I love the mindfulness of it, where not only are you exercising your body, but you're also building that mind/body connection as far as being aware of every movement - what your body's doing, how your body's feeling.
Do you have to think specific positive thoughts about your body in order for your body to be the way you want it to be? No. But you have to not think the specific negative thoughts. If you could never again think about your body and, instead, just think pleasant thoughts - your body would reclaim its place of Well-being.
As an athlete and as a woman, I get my confidence from playing sports because it shifts your focus from what your body looks like to what your body can do for you. That's what we all should be doing. It shouldn't be about looking perfect.
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