A Quote by Neil Marshall

I thought 'Dead Man's Shoes' was a masterpiece. — © Neil Marshall
I thought 'Dead Man's Shoes' was a masterpiece.
I saw Stephen Sondheim's Sweeney Todd, which I thought was a masterpiece. Not that long ago, I listened to Blackstar by David Bowie and thought that was a masterpiece. Those are two incredibly talented people who've left their mark with us.
To the barefoot man, happiness is a pair of shoes. To the man with old shoes, it's a pair of new shoes. To the man with new shoes, it's stylish shoes. And of course, the fellow with no feet would be happy to be barefoot. Measure your life by what you have not by what you don't.
A book is never a masterpiece: it becomes one. Genius is the talent of a dead man.
Just think, the shoes I wouldn’t be caught dead in might actually turn out to be the shoes I am caught dead in.
I think there was, like, a childhood moment where I had to pick shoes, either non-marking or marking shoes. The marking shoes were Spider-Man shoes. I'm like, 'Well, I want the Spider-Man shoes.' But I also didn't want to mark the court; I want to be able to play. I chose the generic, non-marking shoes.
Who waiteth for dead man's shoes will go long barefoot.
Alexandros of Antioch took a block of marble and chiseled away from it everything that was not his masterpiece, the Venus de Milo. If you will chisel away one fault from your character every day, you may discover - a) that you're actually a statue of Margaret Thatcher. b) that you're still just a block of marble. c) that there are pigeon droppings on your shoes. d) that you, too, are a hidden masterpiece.
Thorkell Mylrea had waited long for a dead man's shoes, but he was wearing them at length.
This art of conservation is strength, and makes the masterpiece a masterpiece. Otherwise, the man who simply brought all the different colors obtainable, and squeezed them out upon the canvas to give it 'full force,' would be the greatest master, instead of being merely extravagant.
Well, I'm obsessed with shoes - small shoes, weirdly shaped shoes, hotdogs in shoes, things sliding in and out of shoes.
i laced my shoes with sorrow and walked a weary road dead end streets don't come undone with double knots wing tipped shoes that walk on air through vacant lots
You are carrying a masterpiece hidden within you, but you are standing in the way. Just move aside, then the masterpiece will be revealed. Everyone is a masterpiece, because God never gives birth to anything less than that. Everyone carries that masterpiece hidden for many lives, not knowing who they are and just trying on the surface to become someone. Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it. God himself has created you; you cannot be improved.
Every man should own a navy cashmere jacket with gold buttons, a grey suit, black shoes shoes for the city, brown shoes for elsewhere. Everything else should be simple and really well made.
Gandalf! I thought you were dead! But then I thought I was dead myself. Is everything sad going to come untrue? What's happened to the world?
Not every man has shoes, so reduce the number of shoes at your home till every man has at least one!
I was very inspired by working women, and also women who aren't working yet! I want them to have shoes that feel luxurious and special and well-crafted and thought about. But also, they should have shoes that won't break the bank. You don't have to spend three years saving up for beautiful shoes.
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