A Quote by Nick Wooster

I am probably biased, but I think social media is the great equalizer. It gives everyone a megaphone. Young people who might not have had the platform for exposure can now get their ideas out to a very receptive audience.
Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage.
China's social media is becoming more and more influential; I think this is a very good thing. In China, social media gives people an outlet to post about themselves, to find out information from other people. Everyone is very focused on social media and this will be the same in the future.
I'm grateful for the exposure that being on a show like The Flash gives me, particularly in this generation of social media and how accessible you can be to fans. And I think it's important to use that platform to send a positive message.
I feel - and this goes back to social media and freedom of speech - when you're on a public platform, and you put something out there in front of people who don't know you, they might just perceive it in a very different way altogether.
Technology has been the great equalizer: you can find your audience, you can build your brand, and the people that are into you, great. They're going to follow you to whatever platform you go to.
You can't just repurpose old material created for one platform, throw it up on another one, and then be surprised when everyone yawns in your face. No one would ever think it was a good idea to use a print ad for a television commercial, or confuse a banner ad for a radio spot. Like their traditional media platform cousins, every social media platform has its own language.
I'm interested in the opportunity that people can self-create using social media and the online dialogue. Before social media, you needed to have a lot of personal funds to break through to hire the right people and build a presence to start a line. It gives the opportunity and platform for people to be discovered.
When I put about my anxiety on social media, I decided I'm just going to be honest about it. I'm really glad I did it because I do think social media has taken over everyone's lives right now, especially the young ones. Kids are rocking around with Instagram at 5.
Every story has a point of view and whether it's by what one chooses to include or exclude from a story or whether it's a very specific agenda that is pushed, there is no such thing as objective media. Once you realize that it's more than just a marketplace of ideas, it's a battleground of ideas that are suppressed and the ideas that are pushed forward in the mainstream media are the ones that independent media has a chance to address. I think that the democratization of media in that way can be very helpful in allowing the truth to come out in a way that it might not on CNN or FOX.
Yeah, look, I think what we have with the social media and the digital media, and all the telecommunications we have today is a big megaphone, amplification.
I think that people might watch reality television or what they see played out on media outlets and get ideas. We might be more anesthetized to divorce or bad behavior now because of what we see on television or on postings on TMZ. So it definitely could be filtering in to how we conduct ourselves.
I always say, 'Be anxious for nothing,' because if this is my social media, if this is a platform for me to really get the word out and get my brand out, then why am I gonna be anxious about it?
I think the great thing about social media is it gives people access to you on a totally personal level that they didn't have before, so it's really important, and it's a great way to get people involved and excited about what you're doing.
I keep very close in touch with the fans - to see what they like. I'm very in touch with my audience; I get older and they get younger, which I think is the ultimate compliment. I think hitchhiking brought a few of them out! Even though all young people have never hitchhiked, all people my age did at one point in their life, they just don't do it now.
Being a part of the WWE, I am blessed to have a platform both on social media and TV, with that platform I am able to spread my message and share my story.
I think my relationship with social media has changed so much that I really resent social media now. And I'm trying to figure out what a successful exit strategy is as someone who has gotten a lot of opportunities because of social media and how it's given me a portfolio.
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