A Quote by Oliver Stone

In digital, you can maintain the quality. — © Oliver Stone
In digital, you can maintain the quality.
I dream of a Digital India where quality education reaches the most inaccessible corners driven by Digital Learning.
The digital formats keep changing so rapidly. I feel like so many people are shooting digital but the quality is being lost. There's a texture and a richness to the 35 format that's incomparable.
We live in the digital age and, unfortunately, it’s degrading our music, not improving it It’s not that digital is bad or inferior, it’s that the way it’s being used isn’t doing justice to the art. The MP3 only has 5 percent of the data present in the original recording. … The convenience of the digital age has forced people to choose between quality and convenience, but they shouldn’t have to make that choice.
High-quality software is not expensive. High-quality software is faster and cheaper to build and maintain than low-quality software, from initial development all the way through total cost of ownership.
We all know of the dangers and inequities of the traditional digital divide: People who have good access tocomputer networks have a distinct advantage - in terms of both life opportunities and quality of life, I wouldargue - over the vast majority of the world's population that does not yet have good access to computernetworks. The "other" digital divide points to an increasingly unstable situation that has developed inlibrarianship as digital libraries have evolved and matured.
I photographed with film for many years; now that I work in digital, the difference is enormous. The quality is unbelievable: I don't use flash, and with digital I can even work in very bad light. Also, it's a relief not to lose photographs to x-ray machines in airports.
From a technical point of view, there seemed to me to be absolutely no reason why - with the existing technology - we couldn't do very high quality audio, because whereas the boom in digital graphics is ongoing, the boom in digital audio has already happened.
There are a lot of companies - not just Sony and Kodak - that have spent a lot of money trying to make the quality of the digital images comparable with film. But when you're sending these things over the Internet, they don't have to be high quality.
We're expanding 'Ebony' and 'Jet' on the digital side to attract and maintain a younger audience.
That's what's good about the digital revolution is it makes information asymmetry much harder to maintain.
It's a weird technique but it works. If you bake tapes at a certain temperature - I think it's 130 degrees - something happened to the magnetic particles, so you can restore them. The key is to do the transfer to digital while it's still warm. If it's done right, the new digital version will actually improve upon the quality of the original. If you do it wrong, though, the tapes will melt!
It starts with the writing - which is really, really good. And the production values are phenomenal. HBO and Sky have spent money on it, and you get what you pay for. This has money put into it properly - not lavish amounts - but as each season is successful, they maintain the money that's being spent to maintain the quality.
Everybody at Axa has understood that digital is there, that digital changes our business, and also that digital can create an opportunity.
Limited series ensure that we maintain the quality of the writing on the sets.
We want to promote the great quality of athletics - and maintain it's integrity - all over the world.
In every part of the world with which I am familiar, young people are completely immersed in the digital world - so much so, that it is inconceivable to them that they can, for long, be separated from their devices. Indeed, many of us who are not young, who are 'digital immigrants' rather than 'digital natives,' are also wedded to, if not dependent on, our digital devices.
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