A Quote by Paul Morrissey

Somewhere in the '60s, actors became wimps and basket-case psychotics. — © Paul Morrissey
Somewhere in the '60s, actors became wimps and basket-case psychotics.
Ms. Sciorra is a member of a dwindling fleet of actors who actually sound like they come from somewhere. In her case, 'somewhere' is Brooklyn. In most movies, and perhaps especially in a handful of singeing 'Sopranos' episodes, 'somewhere' makes her vital. She's what you'd call an around-the-way girl.
A country that cannot feed itself cannot have self-pride, and in the mid-'60s 20 percent of all the wheat produced in America came into India. We were agriculturally a basket case. And 15 years later, 20 years later, we have become an agricultural power. This is the famous Green Revolution.
I was an emotional basket case.
When I go to small races in Denmark, it's what I imagined what F1 would have been like back in the 60s and 70s. After the 70s it became a bit different. But 50s and 60s at least, people were only there because they love it.
I don't want Burma to be a basket case forever.
Dreams became issues of East versus West. Hopes became political rhetoric. Progress became a search for power and domination. Somewhere the truth was lost that people don't make war, governments do.
I was very lucky that I didn't end up a basket case.
You have to have confidence. You can't be someone who's so insecure that she's a basket case.
Well, if I don't get at least 16 hours, I'm a basket case.
I'm a child of the '60s, I came of age then. I went to a couple of demonstrations, and then in the late '60s when the Vietnam anti-war movement grew as the Vietnam War was heating up, I became very involved in that.
My circle of friends are not actors at all. None of them are actors, really, because they're are not available. They're always off somewhere.
When I write I just keep a waste paper basket handy in case I am experiencing a block.
I'm a basket case. Yeah, you know, I put my foot in my mouth more than I speak properly.
I lived in France during the '60s. I was there from the early '60s until 1970, so my view of the '60s is more global. It was a time of tremendous transition, not only for America but for the whole world.
Concentrate your energy, thought and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged... 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket' is all wrong. I tell you 'put all your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket.'
Most actors will tell you this - I don't really know how to connect, empathize with, or make worthy of any revelation a character that doesn't have love in there somewhere, that doesn't have an idealism or an empathy in there somewhere.
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