A Quote by Peter Greenaway

My biggest critical success was 'The Draughtsman's Contract,' but then it wasn't the English who particularly thought so; it was the French, who are much more interested in Cartesian logic: in finding your way through more cerebral puzzle-making, if you wish.
God is not concerned about our plans; He doesn’t ask, “Do you want to go through this loss of a loved one, this difficulty, or this defeat?” No, He allows these things for His own purpose. The things we are going through are either making us sweeter, better, and nobler men and women, or they are making us more critical and fault-finding, and more insistent on our own way. The things that happen either make us evil, or they make us more saintly, depending entirely on our relationship with God and its level of intimacy.
I happen to have been born a Cartesian. The French education is based on a sequence of strict logic. You carry it with you.
We talked about and that has always been a puzzle to me why American men think that success is everything when they know that eighty percent of them are not going to succeed more than to just keep going and why if they are not why do they not keep on being interested in the things that interested them when they were college men and why American men different from English men do not get more interesting as they get older.
I've been through so much in my career in F1, particularly in 1995, and I did achieve so much that I thought that it's not worth it any more to push your luck further. [on his retirement
People are so much more interested in making connections, and finding common ground, and sharing experiences than sometimes their governments are.
I grew up speaking Spanish and English. My mother can speak Spanish, English, French and Italian, and she's pretty good at faking Portuguese. I wish that I spoke more languages than I do.
If you think success is about so many more things and is so much more arbitrary, then you can be much more open to the idea that you can be Ben Fountain and publish your great book at forty-nine.
I was interested in seeing how to branch out and sort of use the Internet more as a way of making and promoting movies. There's no real difference in making it successful - it's all down to the dedication of the people involved to make it a success.
First, in your sermons, use your logic, and then your rhetoric; Rhetoric without logic, is like a tree with leaves and blossoms, but no root; yet more are taken with rhetoric than logic, because they are caught with fine expressions when they understand not reason.
I think the teams biggest struggle is remaining a team. It's kinda like a puzzle, If one piece of the puzzle is missing then the puzzle can't be completed. Every team member plays an important part.
Of course any actor is going to be happy to be nominated for an Oscar - absolutely - but I don't really think of it in that way. I've never really thought of my job in that way, because that's just a lot of pressure to be working towards one goal. I'm much more interested in finding roles that make me feel happy about going to work every day.
I could wish there were a treaty made between the French and the English theatres, in which both parties should make considerableconcessions. The English ought to give up their notorious violations of the unities, and all their massacres, racks, dead bodies, and mangled carcasses, which they so frequently exhibit upon their stage. The French should engage to have more action, and less declamation, and not to cram and to crowd things together to almost a degree of impossibility from a too scrupulous adherence to the unities.
The CONCEPT is though that you have to get an AGREEMENT BY CONTRACT and you KNOW that they are NOT going to respond. So the way that you are going to get your contract is THROUGH the public Notary through that process of showing an administrative procedure to the proper parties and their FAILURE to respond and then you are going to have to lodge the final result the evidence of that contract with the PROPER party With PETITION on the PRIVATE SIDE to get the acknowledgement.
The more English is heard in the world, the more gratifying it seems to speak French, and above all to know the culture of our country. They find a kind of French social grace in the language and culture.
I think in Arabic at times, but when I'm writing it's all in English. And I don't try to make my English sound more Arabic, because it would be phony - I'm imagining Melanie Griffith trying to do a German accent in Shining Through. It just wouldn't work. But the language in my head is a specific kind of English. It's not exactly American, not exactly British. Because everything is filtered through me, through my experience. I'm Lebanese, but not that much. American, but not that much. Gay, but not that much. The only thing I'm sure of, really, is that I'm under 5'7".
In broadcasting, especially 'cause people are more public, it's hard to be like 'so what are you making?' Finding that information is huge when you're negotiating a contract. You wanna make sure that you're in the same ballpark.
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