A Quote by Peter Woo

Judgment is a delicate thing and does not come overnight. — © Peter Woo
Judgment is a delicate thing and does not come overnight.

Quote Author

Peter Woo
Born: 1946
The man who is intoxicated with life does not pass judgment, does not seek to come to a conclusion, does not impose his message on the world.
I know that success does not come at once, it is not a thing achieved overnight. It is the result of many, many, many years of working and trying to achieve goals.
Everybody wants the quick fix, but it doesn't happen overnight. You have to be willing to put it out there. I call it 'the secret to being an overnight success,' which means there really isn't a such thing as an overnight success. ! The secret is you work really hard for 10 years, and then you become an overnight success.
It's so funny, this thing of 'overnight success.' I've been doing this for 20 years, but yes, sure, it happened overnight!
We must drop the idea that change comes slowly. It does ordinarily - in part because we think it does. Today changes must come fast; and we must adjust our mental habits, so that we can accept comfortably the idea of stopping one thing and beginning another overnight. We must discard the idea that past routine, past ways of doing things, are probably the best ways. On the contrary, we must assume that there is probably a better way to do almost everything. We must stop assuming that a thing which has never been done before probably cannot be done at all.
Good judgment comes from experience. And where does experience come from? Experience comes from bad judgment.
He who desires to become aware of the hidden light must lift the feeling of fear up to its source. And he can accomplish this if he judges himself and all he does. For then he sheds all fears and lifts fear that has fallen down. But if he does not judge himself, he will be judged from on high, and this judgment will come upon him in the guise of countless things, and all the things in the world will become messengers of God who carry out the judgment on this man.
It's doesn't just come overnight, you've got to train for it and believe in yourself; that's the most important thing.
Sweet But Psycho' blew up pretty much overnight after my 10-year struggle. It's hilarious when people say it was overnight, because it was not overnight.
America's time, unfortunately, for judgment has come. In fact, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us it's not just the judgment of America, but it's a judgment of the world that has been affected by the Shaitan, or "Satan" of America.
I myself am quite absorbed by the delicate yellow, delicate soft green, delicate violet of a ploughed and weeded piece of soil.
A famously wise old man in a village was once asked how he came by his wisdom. "I got it from my good judgment," he answered. And where did his good judgment come from? "I got it from my bad judgment."
I'm not the most delicate - I'm not the most graceful person, and I like playing a sport where being not delicate and not graceful is actually a good thing.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment. The one thing in the world, of value, is the active soul.
There is something else that is trying to come through - that lure of becoming - and it does come from the realm of spirit, it does come from the quantum universe, it does come from the great spark that is the threshold of time and history trying to emerge and electrify us.
Control does not come from strong police forces, does not come from oppression and repression, does not come from violating people's rights or giving the security systems undue powers
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