A Quote by Priyadarshan

Whatever I have achieved is all thanks to my team. I always say that I don't repeat actors as often as I repeat my technicians. — © Priyadarshan
Whatever I have achieved is all thanks to my team. I always say that I don't repeat actors as often as I repeat my technicians.
To me, the big thing in being a successful team is repetition of what you're doing, either by word of mouth, blackboard, or specifically by work on the field. You repeat, repeat, repeat as a unit.
In Latin you say: "Repetita iuvant - to repeat is beneficial". The fewer changes made in a country, the more often I repeat my messages. And it works.
No one who is angry or shallow can repeat what they've said. The moment you ask a person to repeat, you have won the battle. You have put them on guard. So don't reply angrily and don't take any offense, just say politely, "Yes, I understand, but could you please repeat it?" With that, you have won.
You have no choice as a professional chef: you have to repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat until it becomes part of yourself. I certainly don't cook the same way I did 40 years ago, but the technique remains. And that's what the student needs to learn: the technique.
The more you simplify, the better people will perform. People can not understand and keep track of a long complicated set of initiatives. So you have to distill it down to one, two, or three things and use a framework they can repeat, they can repeat without thinking about, they can repeat to their friends, they can repeat at night.
The same piece of music alters at each hearing. But oh, the need to repeat and repeat and repeat unchanged the sexual experience.
For me, the goal is to make the most of each player, play them in the position they feel best in. And then repeat, repeat, repeat.
If you repeat it, it's true. If you repeat it, it's true. And through repetition, something becomes true. If you repeat it enough. Until it becomes true. Or do I need to repeat that for you?
I've never been funny. I don't think I'm funny. People say I'm funny. I go, 'No. No. I'm not.' But again, knowing what it means to film on a TV show and on film, you have to repeat, repeat, repeat. You have to do the same thing a number of times if you're filming a sequence. And to carry that energy in a comedic mode, would be a challenge that I really would frightfully scared, but I'd have to buck up and pull up my bootstraps and say, 'I can do this. Let's figure it out.'
When you become a good cook, you become a good craftsman, first. You repeat and repeat and repeat until your hands know how to move without thinking about it.
I am not interested in the ephemeral - such subjects as the adulteries of dentists. I am interested in those things that repeat and repeat and repeat in the lives of the millions.
It's always nice to work with repeat actors.
Now let's repeat the non-conformists' oath: I promise to be different! I promise to be unique! I promise not to repeat things other people say! Good!
I try not to repeat a story. I try not to repeat an emotion. I want it to be all sort of new for the viewers and to challenge myself as a writer, so there's always pressure. What else can you come up with?
Work-wise, I try not to repeat myself too often. And I have to love whatever I'm doing.
If you repeat something, it can become pointless. Some things can repeat and be endlessly fascinating.
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