A Quote by Priyanka Chopra

I never thought I am a stylish. For me, style is always a representation of what you want to wear but doing it in a unique way and expressing yourself. Every girl loves to be stylish.
You can't try to be somebody you're not; that's not style. If someone says, 'Buy this - you'll be stylish,' you won't be stylish because you won't be you. You have to learn who you are first, and that's painful.
Style. People talk about it being stylish and beautiful, that's at the service of the story. Style for me means nothing without substance and there are moments and things about the film that are stylish but hopefully at the service of the story.
Style is something very individual, very personal, and in their own unique way, I believe everyone is stylish.
I am not at all stylish. For me, style is a state of mind and individuality.
I was never comfortable because I was always trying to wear what was trendy, but it never felt right on my body or in my skin. It felt wrong. I was finally like, hey, fashion and style can be just about self-expresession, about what makes you feel stylish.
I like comfortable clothes. Most men in the world wear T-shirts every day and jeans. I wanted to always put my street style to the high fashion looks and just make it comfortable and make it look stylish.
My friends call my style 'old man chic.' I wear loafers and stylish sweatpants. I love to stay comfortable, so I definitely funk it up, but I'm always comfortable. I wear lots of hats and feathers, and I kind of have a little obsession with Native American jewelry.
A lot of times, in a store, clothes appear strange to me, their cuts or flourishes arbitrary. Why is this look stylish now? How long will it be stylish for? It's slightly embarrassing to admit this - because, as a novelist, I'm supposed to be observant - but I'm flummoxed by the way other women dress.
I think, French girls, we are not the most stylish women in the world. For me, New Yorkers are more stylish, or even women here in London.
My grandma Ricky - that's where I got classic look from. She was the most stylish person ever. She had her own clothing store and even her furniture was stylish. I got my "Flashy, but classy" motto from her, too. Whenever she walked in the room, she was always the most stylish person in the room.
My mother was so stylish, but she never pushed that on me. She always thought I looked cool.
There are lots of people whose style I admire, although I'd never dress like them. Chloe Sevigny is probably the most stylish woman ever, and Lady Gaga is amazing - it's fun to watch what she's going to wear next.
Being stylish is about enjoying your life and expressing yourself and your inner light.
I always get hats but never have the nerve to wear them. Hats are a thing that are really stylish, but you have to have the confidence to pull it off.
If you look back in history of the women who are most memorable and most stylish, they were never the followers of fashion. They were the ones who were unique in their style, breakers of the rules. They were authentic, genuine, original. They were not following the trends.
You never know how stylish a movie is going to be and I think this movie has a great sense of style. The way that it is shot and our costumes and everything, it was just terrific.
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