A Quote by Richard C. Edgley

True courage is to stand against evil, even when we stand alone. — © Richard C. Edgley
True courage is to stand against evil, even when we stand alone.
Have the moral courage to stand firm in obeying God’s will, even if you have to stand alone.
You need courage to be creative. You need the courage to see things differently, courage to go against the crowd, courage to take a different approach, courage to stand alone, if you have to, courage to choose activity over inactivity.
It is almost inevitable that our faith will be challenged. We may at times find ourselves surrounded by others and yet standing in the minority or even standing alone concerning what is acceptable and what is not. Do we have the moral courage to stand firm for our beliefs, even if by so doing we must stand alone?
The face of sin today often wears the mask of tolerance. Do not be deceived; behind that facade is heartache, unhappiness and pain. .. YOU be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow.
it's easy to stand in the crowd but it takes courage to stand alone
This is why, as a prime minister of Israel, I can promise you one more thing: Even if Israel has to stand alone, Israel will stand. But I know that Israel does not stand alone. I know that America stands with Israel.
Very often, unfortunately, people may believe something, but they go along with a group of people because they don't have the courage to stand alone or stand up for themselves.
It takes a great deal of courage to stand alone even if you believe in something very strongly.
You are evil. But even the power of evil cannot stand against the power of faith and goodness.
It is time for pastors, priests and all true believers to come out of the closet and stand for truth against the flood of evil.
Always stand on principle even if you stand alone.
Stand up for what is right even if you stand alone.
I always tell young people to hold on to their dreams. And sometimes you have to stand up for what you think is right even if you have to stand alone.
The reception for 'Enemy?' I don't care. No matter what other people think, it was important for me. I will stand for that movie, even if I stand alone.
Stand for right, even if you stand alone.
A true leader must have enough backbone to stand alone - even when the crowd wants to take the easy road home. A true leader cannot be dependent on companionship for his or her security, but must learn to trust in God alone.
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