A Quote by Robert Carlyle

It's much more fun to be ugly. — © Robert Carlyle
It's much more fun to be ugly.

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The great crime which the moneyed classes and promoters of industry committed in the palmy Victorian days was the condemning of the workers to ugliness, ugliness, ugliness: meanness and formless and ugly surroundings, ugly ideals, ugly religion, ugly hope, ugly love, ugly clothes, ugly furniture, ugly houses, ugly relationship between workers and employers. The human soul needs actual beauty more than bread.
It's much more fun to be involved, much more fun to be under the scrutiny, much more fun to be second-guessed than to not.
She was ugly from the front, and I said ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly. Well, I could handle it behind her.
I'm drawn to the romantic aspect of a character. It's human emotion. It's much more fun to watch. And it's much more fun to play.
Making ourselves feel ugly is not fun." "We are ugly.
Mainly, I like to have fun. Swimming is all about having fun, and I am firm believer that you should keep swimming as long as you are having fun, but I can say that it becomes much more fun as you get older and learn more about the sport, life, and especially more about yourself
It's very much related to the American tycoon. To William Randolph Hearst, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, that whole stratum of American acquisitive evil. Monopolistic, acquisitive evil. Ugly evil. The ugly American. The ugly American at his ugly worst. That's exactly what it is.
I never thought I had more fun when I was young than kids are having today. I think they have just as much fun. It's a different way to have fun.
Ugly is attractive, ugly is exciting. Maybe because it is newer. The investigation of ugliness is, to me, more interesting than the bourgeois idea of beauty. And why? Because ugly is human.
Human nature at times is unfortunately very ugly and I learned the world can be a very ugly place. For as much beauty there is, there's just as much brutality and violence and ugliness.
Being a kid is so much more fun than being an adult. I think that's the crux of it. I think men are just less inclined to grow up because it's much more fun being a child.
I always love using the girls behind the blocks to create even more energy. It's so much fun and so much energy to be with these girls, I love training with them and it's just so much fun to race next to them. I try to use that as much as I can.
I remember growing up and hearing the word "ugly" a lot. "I'm ugly." "She ugly." "He ugly." I hated it then, and I hate it now. I go past physical beauty; I tell people they have a beautiful spirit and that is something different.
I said to them last week that I'd like them to win ugly and they certainly won ugly today. That was the ugliest thing I've seen since the ugly sisters fell out of the ugly tree.
It's fun running out onto the field. It's much more fun playing in the playoffs.
I would like travelers, especially American travelers, to travel in a way that broadens their perspective, because I think Americans tend to be some of the most ethnocentric people on the planet. It's not just Americans, it's the big countries. It's the biggest countries that tend to be ethnocentric or ugly. There are ugly Russians, ugly Germans, ugly Japanese and ugly Americans. You don't find ugly Belgians or ugly Bulgarians, they're just too small to think the world is their norm.
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