A Quote by Robert Evans

The impossible becomes possible when your back is against the wall — © Robert Evans
The impossible becomes possible when your back is against the wall
But sometimes, in tight corners, when your back is against the wall and the world is against you, you have to fight back in unexpected ways.
The impossible becomes possible if only your mind believes it.
What's possible exceeds what's impossible. Think about it. Do all you can do that is possible today, and in your tomorrow, what was impossible will be possible.
A still photograph is something which you can always go back to. You can put it on your wall and look at it again and again. Because it is that frozen moment. I think it tends to burn into your psyche. It becomes ingrained in your mind. A powerful picture becomes iconic of a place or a time or a situation.
Believe, and what was impossible becomes possible what at first was hidden becomes visible.
The more serious the situation, the funnier the comedy can be. The greatest comedy plays against the greatest tragedy. Comedy is a red rubber ball and if you throw it against a soft, funny wall, it will not come back. But if you throw it against the hard wall of ultimate reality, it will bounce back and be very lively. Very, very few people understand this.
I think writers always want to be taken seriously as writers, but it's not always possible. There's a difference between persistence and banging your head against the same wall a hundred times. Sometimes it's better to look away from the wall and see what else might be available that's easier.
When your back is against the wall, your brain has to function at a high level.
You only really discover the strength of your spine when your back is against the wall.
I certainly had no feeling for harmony, and Schoenberg thought that that would make it impossible for me to write music. He said, 'You'll come to a wall you won't be able to get through.' So I said, 'I'll beat my head against that wall.'
When your back is against the wall financially, creative juices flow.
For a moment there I convinced myself I had my back against a wall, and suddenly the only wall I find my back against is that of a 10 by 10 writing shack in Glendale, where the summer days average between 90 and 100 and each song can be quantified in the sweat it took to write it. There is no ac in hell, and sometimes you've got to get down to get up. The train is gaining speed I should think.
Be prepared to do whatever you have to do. If you get put in a situation where your back is up against the wall let your gun go off.
When your back is against the wall, there is only one thing to do, and that is turn around and fight.
In stages, the impossible becomes possible.
Possible is more a matter of attitude, a matter of decision, to choose among the impossible possibilities, when one sound opportunity becomes a possible solution.
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