A Quote by Roman Coppola

I'm a curious person. I pursue things based on what sparks my interest. I'm not thinking about what role I play. I don't have to be a movie director or this or that. I just want to be part of projects and places that are of interest to me.
I do seem to work in a lot of different mediums, which means it keeps things fresh and sparks interest in me. Fame and fortune is fairly irrelevant to me. It's nice because it gives creative freedom. But just wanting to be famous is ridiculous because it's so vacuous. So, I get offered lots of different things and if they spark my interest, I'll try and do them because they form part of a wider creative circle.
With a director it's all about the work; I'd work with a great director over - you know, I'm not the kind of actor who that doesn't go, 'I want to play this role.' It's more like, 'I want to work with this director,' regardless of what the role is because if it's a good director, you'll probably find a good role because it's a decent film. But a mediocre director will always make a mediocre movie.
It's very hard to admit that the choice of 3D technology can play an important role for the director while he's thinking about the movie. But it does play a big role.
Actresses are usually either the love interest or the glam quotient in a movie, but I play a strong character in 'Dishoom' who is at par with the guys, thanks to director Rohit Dhawan and his out-of-the-box thinking.
The things that are reflected back at us, often times, are appealing to a base instinct that's about response as opposed to reflection. So for me, it's important to turn on a piece of information that might interest people, you know, that might interest them in pursuing or researching maybe, or even just thinking about it in that moment as I'm performing it.
In my years of working in theatre and TV I've learnt that my main skill is not the instrumental playing but the idea of what to play and my interest for so many kinds of music. Often people ask me to contribute to projects when they don't stay in just one genre. I feel more like a composer who just has to play his own things.
I'm curious about everything - even things that don't interest me.
I guess I could say that I pursue questions that interest me in ways that interest me on the page, but that's awfully vague.
Families interest me - I'm part of one; most of us come from one. And I'm curious about the choices made in life, how they affect things, and how those choices happen.
I think people align themselves with my way of thinking when they're talking to me. They try to create new avenues for me to pursue, so if you want to be a doctor and you have interest in human rights and philanthropy and social equality of medicine and disease, why don't you think about being surgeon general?
I like movies that interest me and stories that interest me, I don't think about how much money it's gonna [cost] to make the movie, I don't think about any of that. I think about certain aspects like who's making the movie and who's gonna tell a story that I wanna be involved in, but I don't have that choice and I never have.
From my vantage point in writing a story, I can't and don't and have no interest in thinking about the level of sophistication of the audience. I can only think about what interests me, and maybe what I would want to see if I were watching the movie. To me, that's the key to writing something that's not pandering.
I basically just make films that interest me. And I don't want to make the same film twice, you know? But I've never found a franchise, so... I guess I'm lot poorer because of that, but... what astonishes me is that, at my age, I can still find things that interest me. And that's tremendous.
They have to be able to spark my interest so I want to pursue it, and they have to have an awesome personality, really laid-back. All those things are sexy to me.
I want to be in everything, but that's because I haven't seen someone who looks like me in everything. I want to play a superhero. I want to be the love interest. I want to write my own stuff and create my own projects. I want to be in French films.
The human interest, and the natural interest, and the spiritual interest of this planet need to begin to take a priority over the corporate interest, the military interest, and the materialistic interests.
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