A Quote by Rory MacDonald

Instead of a legacy as a fighter, I want to leave a mark in the sport about the good news of Jesus Christ. — © Rory MacDonald
Instead of a legacy as a fighter, I want to leave a mark in the sport about the good news of Jesus Christ.
Every fighter, when they box, wants to leave a mark in their sport, or a legacy, and I managed to do that beyond my wildest dreams.
For me, I just want to be a role model, put a positive impact on the kids that are watching the sport, that want to be a part of the sport, and leave a good everlasting impact on the sport, continue my legacy down the road.
I've thought about it a lot: How do I want to leave my legacy? And what do I want to leave behind when I'm done with the sport and with USA Volleyball.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news, glad tidings, and much more. It is the message of salvation as repeatedly announced by Jesus Christ and His apostles and prophets. It is my firm belief that all truth and light originating with God is embraced in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Protection against the influence of the devil comes through the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the good news that Jesus Christ has made a perfect Atonement for mankind.
It's a legacy thing, and when it's all said and done, I want to leave a legacy in whatever way. If not, if it's helping the division, if it's fighting big names, I just want to be remembered as one of the greatest all-time to ever do this in the sport. That's just what I want to do.
I think we want to make the sport bigger and better and leave a good legacy for the next generation that comes through.
The Old Testament records the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The Gospels record the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ our Lord. The book of Acts records the propagation of the gospel (the good news) concerning Jesus Christ. The Epistles (letters) explain the gospel and its implications for our lives. The book of Revelation anticipates and describes the second coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of His eternal kingdom. From beginning to end, the Bible glorifies Jesus Christ and centers on Him. Its Christ-centeredness is one of its wonderful features.
If you leave the church service thinking about how good the pastor was, he has missed the mark. If you leave consumed with Christ, the pastor has been used by the Lord.
Reflect on death as in Jesus Christ, not as without Jesus Christ. Without Jesus Christ it is dreadful, it is alarming, it is the terror of nature. In Jesus Christ it is fair and lovely, it is good and holy, it is the joy of saints.
If my life is motivated by my ambition to leave a legacy, what I'll probably leave as a legacy is ambition. But if my life is motivated by the power of the Spirit in me, if I live with the awareness of the indwelling Christ, if I allow His presence to guide my actions, to guide my motives, those sort of things. That's the only time I think we really leave a great legacy.
I believe that I'm not just a fighter in this game; I love to study the sport. And in studying the sport, I believe I have a good eye for the sport, and I'm able to talk about the sport.
I want you to sense the Holy Spirit brooding over you. Is this too good to be true? You betcha, it's the good news. Does He border on fantasy? You betcha, it's the gospel. Glad tidings of great joy, heaven has come instead of hell, Jesus has come instead of the devil. You can have the life you always wanted, instead of the life you have always had - instead. That is possible because of the absolute, incredible, incomparable favor of God.
I want to leave a mark in this sport.
It's fine to deal with people's doubts and explain why they have good reasons to believe in Christ. But until we tell them the good news of Jesus Christ, we haven't done our job. They need a saviour that God has provided them in Christ. Once they know that, we can do as much apologetics as we need to.
I love figure skating and what I am able to express creatively. I want to leave a legacy in the sport.
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