A Quote by Ruben Fleischer

If you have somebody who can just do everything easily, then it's kind of boring. If you're handcuffed to a chair and you've got to fight while your handcuffed, or something like that, it just adds a cool element.
Anything is possible in this universe. It could be that you turn the chair around it's just a glove handcuffed to a bomb, like in Inspector Gadget.
True freedom is always spiritual. It has something to do with your innermost being, which cannot be chained, handcuffed, or put into a jail.
Sometimes the work can get in the way and you give a less-good performance, and sometimes it doesn't and you can really get to the heart of something. And all the other stuff is just interesting and adds another layer to your performance. It helps you find the reality. Because you're not just playing yourself, you know? That would be kind of boring.
I've got an iPod but I don't even use it. It's just that, you know, you've got to like plug it up to the computer. And then you've got to download songs. And put them in your playlist. I'd rather just get the CD and pop it in. I'm cool with the Discman. The Walkman.
When I go to throw a punch, actually, my intention is to hit somebody. That's just second nature to me. So you have to just rewire yourself. It's not something where you have to sit and subconsciously think about it, but you kind of have to just put yourself in that mode and go with it. Learning the fight scenes, I've never had to learn choreography before, so learning the fight scenes was like learning a dance or something like that. I had a little bit of influence in the fight scenes and I tried to put as much influence there as I could, but I had fun doing it.
We've got too many cool guys for me to try to be cool. We've got enough of that. I can just be boring and dorky.
You're sexy when you're young. You've got it going on, and then you have your kids, and you give your whole life to your kids, and then they're kind of gone, and like, what do you do? You've got to fight to stay inspired, and you've got to fight to learn new things and stay young in your heart.
I’ve wrestled with alligators, I’ve tussled with a whale. I done handcuffed lightning And throw thunder in jail. You know I’m bad. just last week, I murdered a rock, Injured a stone, Hospitalized a brick. I’m so mean, I make medicine sick.
You see somebody like me, as young as I was at the time, driving around the inner city of Newark, and to them [police] it doesn't make sense. I've been illegally searched [and had] my car illegally searched. [I've] been handcuffed for no reason. You get in enough of those situations.
While I was in jail, they handcuffed me and took me to a backroom, where a detective from the FBI and a Secret Service agent were, and they interrogated me for about three or four hours.
I am so mean I've handcuffed lightnin' and thrown thunder in jail.
If we don't forgive, we stay emotionally handcuffed to the person who hurt us.
Working with Emeco has allowed me to use a recycled material and transform it into something that never needs to be discarded - a tireless and unbreakable chair to use and enjoy for a lifetime. It is a chair you never own, you just use it for a while until it is the next persons turn. A great chair never should have to be recycled. This is good consideration of nature and man kind.
I've always wanted to have a suitcase handcuffed to my wrist. That's not a full joke there! It's filler.
...Cops just surrounding me with pistols everywhere. They put me in the backseat of their car handcuffed, Pushed out them chests like they're big rough and tough. A cop come and said 'You'll never sell your guns now.' I said 'It doesn't matter, you'll sell them anyhow. You take the guns from me, you sell them for a fee; Anyway you put it, they'll get in the city!'
If women just got into it a little more, then the world would be happier. Instead of stabbing each other behind the back, just get into a fight, and then everything is out in the open.
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