A Quote by Ryan Eggold

I never got why actors don't like it when a fan comes up to them on the street. It is cool that someone recognizes what you do and makes you feel like you live in a community.
If a fan approaches me and I feel like they have some kind of agenda, I'm probably gonna get real closed-off and not talk to them. But if I feel a connection with someone, or if I feel a certain trust with somebody, I feel like, 'You know what, I can open up to this person and tell them about an experience.'
I feel like my life is so scattered right now. Like it's all the small pieces of paper and someone's turned on the fan. But, talking to you makes me feel like the fan's been turned off for a little bit. Like things could actually make sense. You completely unscatter me, and I appreciate that so much.
The second we see somebody on the street or meet someone, we make snap judgments about them, about who they are and why we wouldn't necessarily sit with them or why we would or what's cool or not cool.
I've never been in this part of Trenton before. I don't feel comfortable driving around buildings that haven't got gang slogans sprayed on them. Look at this place. No boarded-up windows. No garbage in the gutter. No brothers selling goods on the street. Don't know how people can live like this.
A kid will be like, 'Yo, you're Big Daddy Kane. My father listens to you!' It kind of makes you feel like one of the Platters or Temptations or something. You feel like you're super-old. But then again on the flipside it's cool to see like someone that's two or three generations after you excited.
I've never wanted to be like anybody. That's something that my dad taught me growing up: 'Never want to be like someone; be the next you.' But I am a fan of the game, I'm a fan of the position, and I watch everyone.
I have a little two-bedroom house and that's the way I like it. We live in a time where it's cool to present this luxurious lifestyle on social media. I don't want to be a part of something that makes people not be happy with their own life and crave this false sense of reality. I don't want people who are working that blue-collar job and barely getting by to feel bad. I don't want those people to feel like they're not doing something right because they're not flying around on jets or driving fancy cars. I never want to make them feel like they're not worthy.
Calvin Klein is such an iconic brand in fashion, so I feel like working with them means you're definitely doing something right. They bring validation to someone, not only in the fashion community but in someone's career, which is why it was such an honor to work with them.
The costume the actors wear and if they're in stylized makeup and wigs in a live-action movie let's say, in a big costume drama, even though it does give them a sense of great ambience and environment and they kind of feel like they're in a great court, or if they feel like they're in the old west, or if they feel like they're being chased by hobbits or dinosaurs, it all comes down to the actors looking each other in the eye.
When I walk down the street, it's not like people feel like they're seeing some big star. It's like someone they've known for a long time, someone that they feel comfortable with.
I always talk to all the crew. I always make it pleasant. I always nurture a relationship that makes people feel like they're important, like they're a part of the collaboration. I feel that way about the young actors on set. I don't talk to them like I'm the mentor; I talk to them like they're my peers. And I learned that from Meryl Streep.
If I feel like someone is unjustly being attacked, I'll stand up for them. If I feel like someone is lying, then I'm going to call them on it.
You make your first album, you make some money, and you feel like you still have to show face, like 'I still go to the projects.' I'm like, why? Your job is to inspire people from your neighborhood to get out. You grew up there. What makes you think it's so cool?
If there are actors that are brilliant, people often wonder whether it's intimidating working alongside them, but it really isn't. It just makes you up your game and want to be better. Rather than cowering in their shadows, it's very encouraging to see someone who's incredible; it makes me want to be a bit more like them.
Someone like you makes the sun shine brighter. Someone like you makes a sigh half a smile. Someone like you makes my troubles much lighter. Someone like you make life seem worthwhile.
I think what all actors share is that, somewhere down in your solar plexus, there's this fear that you're not going to be able to come up with the goods, that this is the one movie where you're going to look like a fool, and they should have cast someone else. And you feel ugly, and you've got three chins, and you've gained too much weight, and you're losing your hair, and there are so many better actors who could do this. But if you've got chops, what you realize is that everybody feels that way, so just show up and do the job.
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