A Quote by Saint Augustine

He who falls, falls by his own will, and he who stands, stands by God's will. — © Saint Augustine
He who falls, falls by his own will, and he who stands, stands by God's will.
To get into just those situations where sham virtues will not suffice, but rather where, as with the ropedancer on his rope, one either falls or stands--or gets down.
Science is rooted in the will to truth. With the will to truth it stands or falls. Lower the standard even slightly and science becomes diseased at the core. Not only science, but man. The will to truth, pure and unadulterated, is among the essential conditions of his existence; if the standard is compromised he easily becomes a kind of tragic caricature of himself.
Whether the Union stands or falls, I believe the profession of arms will henceforth be more desirable and more respected than it has been hitherto.
God is the foundation of all authority, He exercises that foundation because He is the author and the owner of His creation. He is the foundation upon which all other authority stands or falls.
Poetry stands or falls by its music.
That the reason why they are not fallen already and do not fall now is only that God's appointed time is not come. For it is said, that when that due time, or appointed time comes, their foot shall slide. Then they shall be left to fall, as they are inclined by their own weight. God will not hold them up in these slippery places any longer, but will let them go; and then, at that very instant, they shall fall into destruction; as he that stands on such slippery declining ground, on the edge of a pit, he cannot stand alone, when he is let go he immediately falls and is lost.
National Socialism stands or falls by its Weltanschauung.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others. In dangerous valleys and hazardous pathways, he will lift some bruised and beaten brother to a higher and more noble life.
But then we got to Victoria Falls at the end: at dawn it's one of the most beautiful sights you will every see. We stayed at The Victoria Falls Hotel, a luxury hotel that looks out over the falls.
Judaism stands or falls with its belief in the historic actuality of the revelation at Sinai.
The idea of life having a purpose stands and falls with the religious system.
It stands for diversity. It stands for vision and strength. It stands for belief in the right things. That's what I think it stands for.
Monotonously the lorries sway, monotonously come the calls, monotonously falls the rain. It falls on our heads and on the heads of the dead up the line, on the body of the little recruit with the wound that is so much too big for his hip; it falls on Kemmerich's grave; it falls in our hearts.
...A man can only stumble for so long before he either falls or stands up straight.
Share weight and woe, for misfortune falls with double force on him that stands alone.
After gaining the incredible platform from 'Glee,' it wasn't so much of a decision to get involved as it was an opportunity to take part. I'll be honest, I'm not so much into the idea of one cause being more important than another; however, I felt that the Trevor Project was a perfect fit for my efforts. It stands for a lot of things that I believe in, as well as falls in line with much of what 'Glee' stands for.
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