A Quote by Sam Taylor-Johnson

My mum told me once I was a Hindu. — © Sam Taylor-Johnson
My mum told me once I was a Hindu.

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Where I'm from, people aren't quick. A girl once asked her mum, 'Can I have a Cadbury's Creme Egg?' The mum said, 'No, you can't Danielle, I've already told you, darling - bird flu!'
When my mum first told me she got sick, I didn't cry. I probably cried over my mum's illness twice.
I told my mum recently, when I used to envisage my adulthood, it was just me working at a corner shop that mum and dad could drive me to and pick me up from. I couldn't ever imagine living on my own and having a job that I wanted to do. Because I never saw it.
My Mum taught me great manners. And she always told me that you can be or do whatever in life, as long as you don't hurt anyone and you're happy. My Mum's great; I adore her.
I get told off by my mum for being a bit rough on the pitch. I'm in the referee's ear a lot - referees probably hate me - but it's just part of my game. My mum tells me off for that as well; speaking to refs too much.
My mum always told me I was precious, while my dad always told me I was worthless. I think that's a good grounding for a balanced life.
I told you I try not to live in the past and nothing could change the fact that my mum was gone. But I’m a liar. The truth was, I’d had one dream ever since I was six: to see my mum again. To actually get to know her, talk to her, go shopping, do anything. Just be with her once so I could have a better memory to hold on to.
Everyone told me I could sing from about the age of ten. My mum was always telling me. But I was so shy, I didn't believe them. And the more that people told me, the more I went into the background and the less likely I was to sing.
I was eight when I found out I was adopted. My step-brother told me. He'd overheard my mum and my stepdad at the time talking about it, and he threw it in my face. But I didn't really care. It didn't seem relevant, because I never once in my life felt unloved or like I was a burden.
'The Last Airbender' is genetically engineered for me. I love martial arts. I study it. The movie's based on a lot of Buddhist and Hindu philosophy. I was raised Hindu.
Mum once told Dad that vices are only vices when looked at through the frame of society.
My mum told me that I have a gift, but it doesn't make me better than others
When I started to play tennis my mum told me to enjoy.
I was once dancing with a woman who told me she had a yeast infection so I told her to bake me some bread.
Once, when I was about eight, my mum handed me a sandwich, and I remarked: 'What are those weird things on your hands?' I was referring to the visible pores, which were such a contrast to my own alabaster-smooth skin. My mum looked mortified, while my grandma laughed and said: 'They're nothing - look at mine!'
My mum always told me if I wanted to do Playboy' she'd support it.
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