A Quote by Sri Chinmoy

We accept the world in order to change it. If you do not accept, then what are you going to change? — © Sri Chinmoy
We accept the world in order to change it. If you do not accept, then what are you going to change?
I'm always willing to accept change, just as long as it isn't change for the sake of change. If that change will result in a better way of doing things, then I'm all for it.
Suppose you feel you cannot accept some fact about yourself. Then own your refusal to accept. Own the block. Embrace it fully. And watch it begin to disappear. The principal is this: Begin where you are-accept that. Then change and growth become possible.
Are you on the eve of change? Embrace it. Accept it. Don't resist it. Change is not only a part of life, change is a necessary part of God's strategy. To use us to change the world, he alters our assignments.
As an organizer I start from where the world is, as it is, not as I would like it to be. That we accept the world as it is does not in any sense weaken our desire to change it into what we believe it should be - it is necessary to begin where the world is if we are going to change it to what we think it should be.
As an organizer, I start from where the world is, as it is, not as I would like it to be. That we accept the world as it is does not in any sense weaken our desire to change it into what we believe it should be - it is necessary to begin where the world is if we are going to change it to what we think it should be. That means working in the system.
Our lives change. Our feelings for each other change. Our bearings change. The song changes. The air changes. The temperature of the shower changes. Accept this. We must accept this.
I think just... never date anyone who doesn't accept you, and don't change for them. They aren't going to change for you.
I'm trying to just accept things, accept the beauty of things and the joy and positivity of things as they are in the moment and accept when it's not that way as well. Because, of course, none of it lasts forever. It's all going to change very rapidly. But that doesn't have to be a bad thing. It doesn't have to be panic-inducing. It can be just the way life is.
I’ve often said that global climate change is an issue where no one has the luxury of being “half-pregnant.” You either are or you aren’t. And so it is with climate change. You either understand and accept the science – or you don’t. Folks this isn’t a cafeteria where you can pick and choose and accept the science that tells us what is happening, but then reject the science that warns us what will happen.
I think the growth of the brain is a slow process. But you do change and the more you accept change and embrace change, the better.
Once you accept anything as tacked down, then you begin to build a structure, to accept limits. Then you have to make a choice as to whether or not you're going to accept that structure. If you do, you give up the notion of total freedom.
Then it becomes necessary to get the field organisation to accept the help provided. This is normally the role of the Change Manager; to implement the change that no-one asked for or wants.
Cause change and lead; accept change and survive; resist change and die.
Accept the difficulty of what you cannot yet change. But do not accept the impossibility of ever changing it.
As individuals, and as a society, we can choose to take responsibility for ourselves. In doing so we have to accept that sometimes when things go wrong, it is just an accident. In order to change how we lay blame, we’re going to have to change our over-protective habits; children can only learn to take responsibility when given a chance to assess and mitigate risk for themselves.
You live with someone until they accept that you are what you are, that you're not going to change and they love that about you - and then they decide to marry you, I guess.
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