A Quote by Tae Yoo

In addition to building the skills needed for the jobs of today and connecting individuals to these jobs, it is imperative to foster entirely new ideas and industries that will create the jobs of tomorrow.
The largest number of jobs likely to be created by the JOBS Act will be for lawyers needed to clean up the mess that it will create.
To keep attracting good new jobs, we must invest in more job training and education to prepare young people and workers at every age for the jobs of today and tomorrow.
When Mrs. Clinton ran for office, she promised economic growth across New York state, to bring in more than 200,000 jobs, ... She has not. We have lost jobs to outsourcing and globalization and to sending our jobs and industries to foreign countries.
Twenty million jobs is what we call for in the Green New Deal, which is essentially a New Deal focused on greening the economy on an emergency basis. So it's 20 million jobs, which are mixed, private sector, nonprofits, government jobs where others will not do the job and will not create the employment.
New investments in cyber security and the modernization of our military will spur substantial new job creation in the private sector and help create the jobs and technologies of tomorrow. It's what we have to do. America must be the world's dominant technological powerhouse of the twenty-first century, and young Americans - including in our inner cities - should get these new jobs!
These new investments in cyber security and the modernization of our military will spur substantial new job creation in the private sector and help create the jobs and technologies of tomorrow. It's what we have to do. America must be the world's dominant technological powerhouse of the twenty-first century, and young Americans - including in our inner cities - should get these new jobs!
No party or event is without a reason. This is how we foster new relationships, open doors, and launch new ideas that create business opportunities, investments, and jobs in the U.S. and Spain.
President Bush said that American workers will need new skills to get the new jobs in the 21st century. Some of the skills they're going to need are Spanish, Chinese, Korean, because that's where the jobs went. Who better than Bush as an example of what can happen when you take a job without any training.
Providing individuals with multiple pathways and resources to find work or foster ideas that both create jobs and address social challenges can have significant impact. Ultimately, this helps address the unemployment challenge.
Our biggest challenge in this digital age that we are entering is how do we effectively begin to train people for the jobs that are going to exist and not have them be stuck on jobs that are going to go away? And this is a big deal. And it requires the businesses of this country to, in my opinion, first of all, demand changes in the education system and also develop innovative, creative ways to have industries train people for the skills that are necessary for the jobs that are coming.
Government investment unlocks a huge amount of private sector activity, but the basic research that we put into IT work that led to the Internet and lots of great companies and jobs, the basic work we put into the health care sector, where it's over $30 billion a year in R&D that led the biotech and pharma jobs. And it creates jobs and it creates new technologies that will be productized. But the government has to prime the pump here. The basic ideas, as in those other industries, start with government investment.
We are a small country. That means there will be lots of similarities in policies. The priorities are about the same issues - you have to create more jobs; you have to invest in people so they are qualified for the jobs the new economy will bring.
Green jobs - those are jobs that feel like new economy jobs; they do require some training.
When you innovate, you create new industries that then boost your economy. And when you create new industries and that becomes part of your culture, your jobs can't go overseas because no one else has figured out how to do it yet.
We need to work tirelessly to help create new jobs and good jobs here in Florida.
The government can't create jobs; they'll destroy jobs trying to do it. The government doesn't have any money; all they have is a printing press. We need to free markets to create jobs; if the government wants to help, they should reduce their burden on the economy.
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