A Quote by Tony Judt

Healthcare reform is a paradigmatic case. It is self-evidently necessary and inevitable and has been on the agenda for 35 years, and the political class seems completely unable to respond to it.
No principle, that is possible to be named, can be more self-evidently false than this; or more self-evidently fatal to all political freedom. Yet it triumphed in the field, and is now assumed to be established. If it really be established, the number of slaves, instead of having been diminished by the war, has been greatly increased; for a man, thus subjected to a government that he does not want, is a slave.
This country pays a price whenever our economy fails to deliver rising living standards to our citizens - which is exactly what has been the case for years now. We pay a price when our political system cannot come together and agree on the difficult but necessary steps to rein in entitlement spending or reform our tax system.
The whole issue of healthcare is very complicated. There have been seven Presidents who've tried to get healthcare reform passed.
Republicans have offered dozens of comprehensive healthcare plans many of which achieve comprehensive healthcare reform without breaking what's working in healthcare. We want to fix what's broken in healthcare.
Quality Healthcare is a premier healthcare brand in Hong Kong and is the leading private healthcare provider there. We are believers in long-term growth prospects of the Asian healthcare space and the benefits of a world-class pan-Asian integrated healthcare delivery system.
That's what healthcare reform is about: the middle class's economic security.
Feel completely unable to do anything. Try to picture your life in five years. It really seems like you will be dead.
I'd been a psychiatric social worker for 17 years, but within 24 hours after I started the case against studying reading Bible in school by my son, I was fired from my job as a supervisor in the city public welfare department. And I was unable to find another one. So my income was completely cut off.
Fear is being used by the political class as an excuse to accumulate more power and self-importance - and collect a lot more taxes to support their agenda.
We need for America to get back to basics and focus on the middle class's quality of life. Healthcare reform is vital to restoring that standard of living.
If we don't reform how healthcare is delivered in this country, then we are not going to be able to get a handle on that escalating healthcare costs.
The Trump administration's economic agenda is the right agenda. Corporate taxes have been driving capital and brains and companies overseas for a decade. It has caused huge damage in investment and jobs and productivity. It was a mistake. We have to fix it. Counterintuitively, that usually helps middle-class wages, and lower-class wages, and job formation.
Mere political reform will not cure the manifold evils which now afflict society. There requires a social reform, a domestic reform, an individual reform.
I read this morning that he's [Saddam Hussein] also said the love that the Iraqis have for him is so much greater than anything Americans feel for their President because he's been loved for 35 years, he says, the whole 35 years.
Development seems to have become the agenda only of government. It is seen as a scheme. That should not be the case. Development should be everyone`s agenda. It should be a people's movement.
Middle-class-led reform movements, from the Progressive Era to the War on Poverty, have been marred by an elitist distance from the would-be beneficiaries of reform.
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