A Quote by Tyra Banks

I've had my heart broken one too many times. — © Tyra Banks
I've had my heart broken one too many times.
If you've got to my age, you've probably had your heart broken many times. So it's not that difficult to unpack a bit of grief from some little corner of your heart and cry over it.
Many Pakistani fans will say they have followed their team for too long and had their hearts broken many times, but I love them, and I love their cricket.
I've had my heart broken, and it's not fun. But I'd rather have my heart broken than break someone else's heart.
How many times can a heart be broken before it is beyond mend?
Her heart had already been broken many times over, and yet she still believed she was destined to meet the man of her life.
I've never had my heart broken. And I don't want to have my heart broken. I'm afraid of it. Even when I break someone else's heart, I'm really upset about it. And I'm not even feeling half of what they are.
There is no pain quite like that of a broken heart. But a broken heart is an open heart. When we allow ourselves to be broken, a gentle transformation takes place.
She says you're not truly human until you've had your heart broken and you've broken someone's heart.
If you've ever had your heart broken, it's like, once is enough - you can live a lifetime on that. Ya know? You can write a lot of records on one broken heart.
I've separated my shoulder and my collarbone; I've messed up my knee a million times. I've broken my foot in several places. I've broken my toe a bunch, broken my nose a couple of times, and had a bunch of other annoying little injuries, like turf toe and arthritis and tendonitis. It's part of the game.
I've died 3 times, I've been shot in the back, stabbed once in my arm, stabbed 2 times in my back, run over by a truck, been poisoned, broke both of my arms, nose (3 times broken), ribs, both legs, but a broken heart hurt me the most.
My heart was a little bit broken, but I still had to go to school. I buttoned my dress shirt over it and my winter coat, too. I hoped it didn't show too much.
Every woman deserves a man that can make her heart forget that it was ever broken. Even if these have been broken to pieces to me,this represents a person who gave me a complete,flawless heart. I don't need someone who makes my heart whole. Instead, I need someone who will never let me feel broken. This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something.
And I never expected that you could have a broken heart and love with it too, so much that it doesn't seem broken at all.
I've never had my heart broken. It's a very sad state of affairs. I think everybody should have their heart broken. I don't think it says anything good about me at all.
My heart got broken so many times because I put so much pressure on it. And then... I got blindsided.
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