A Quote by Unknown

Every snowflake is unique, yet they are each perfect. — © Unknown
Every snowflake is unique, yet they are each perfect.

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Didn't I realize that each of us is a sacred, unique snowflake of special unique specialness?
Each person's grief journey is unique as a fingerprint or a snowflake.
Its so fascinating to think about how each snowflake is completely individual - there are millions and millions of them, but each one is so unique.
It's so fascinating to think about how each snowflake is completely individual - there are millions and millions of them, but each one is so unique.
The present never ages. Each moment is like a snowflake, unique, unspoiled, unrepeatable, and can be appreciated in its surprisingness.
Every avalanche begins with the movement of a single snowflake, and my hope is to move a snowflake.
Every moment of life mattered. Even the perfect snowflake that alighted on his palm and melted in seconds.
God created each one of us in our own unique way. Just like a snowflake we all hold a blueprint that differs one from another. It's great to lose weight and keep our bodies healthy and strong, but it's also important that we appreciate who we are today - with or without extra pounds.
You are not a beautiful, unique snowflake... This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake... This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.
I'm a snowflake. And so are you. Your children are snowflakes. And so are mine. And those who protest the loudest about not being snowflakes? I can see your six-fold ice crystals from here! Because every person, empirically, is unique.
You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.
The through line of the way I like to work, what makes me different, and what I like to do for every project - although they are completely different from each other - is I like to do a lot of research and create a unique landscape and unique soundscape for each movie.
Imagine that every person in the world is enlightened but you. They are all your teachers, each doing just the right things to help you learn perfect patience, perfect wisdom, perfect compassion.
What's wrong with being a snowflake? I think if you're calling someone a snowflake that just means you've been upset by something they're saying. We're all vulnerable, get over it.
Maybe every city has a unique sensibility, but we don't have names for what they are or haven't identified them all. We can't pinpoint exactly what makes each city's people unique yet.
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