A Quote by Walter Brueggemann

People notice peacemakers because they dress funny. We know how the people who make war dress - in uniforms and medals, or in computers and clipboards, or in absoluteness, severity, greed, and cynicism. But the peacemaker is dressed in righteousness, justice, and faithfulness - dressed for the work that is to be done.
If a woman is poorly dressed, you notice her dress. If a woman is impeccably dressed, you notice the woman.
People are like, "Why are you all dressed up? Did you dress up just for me?" I'm like "No, I dressed up because I'm an adult and I felt like putting on my suit." But I love it. Tom Ford and Ralph Lauren are my two heroes of clothing designers.
Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing.
They think him the best dressed man, whose dress is so fit for his use that you cannot notice or remember to describe it.
I was named on the worst-dressed list at the Grammys a couple of years ago. I had on Tom Ford, and I thought it was the most amazing dress ever. But I got put on the worst-dressed list. Luckily, at least I was pictured alongside Adele, J-Lo, and whoever - all these superstars who were also called worst-dressed - so that was a good thing!
But I don't know how much more socializing I can do, Felipe. I only have the one dress. People will start to notice that I'm wearing the same thing all the time." "You're young and beautiful, darling. You only need the one dress
I think it's pretty dynamic. There's a lot of energy there and life, and you'll have women dressed in their traditional African dress when they come, and you have people from all over the place, and some people have headphones on because they're listening in Spanish.
People with a lot of money don't dress as well as people who have to make do, who have to be inventive. Those are the people who are always more interestingly dressed, I think. Everything I do, I do with gut instinct. If I think too much, it won't come out right.
The body image took a real battering. I had really not taken on board how I would feel dressed in a flimsy dress in front of millions of people.
Hip-hop culture itself has completely consumed everything involved in entertainment. When you think about basketball like the way those guys dress; I don't know if you notice but people care about how you dress these days.
The way that people dress makes them part of an army, dressed in their own uniform, determined to do something.
The way? that people dress makes them part of an army, dressed in their own uniform,? determined to do something
With Whitney Eve, I really wanted to dress everyday girls. I wanted it to be a more sophisticated than just casualwear, but be comfortable at the same time. All the fabrics are easy fabrics, they can be dressed up or dressed down.
I've spent a lot of time self-reflecting. Especially as an actor, you have to know yourself really well in order to do things effectively. And when I dress, I dress for me. I don't dress to make other people think that I'm this way or that way.
Girls do not dress for boys. They dress for themselves, of course, each other. If girls dressed for boys, they'd just walk around naked at all times.
I know that it's a big struggle with a lot of women to dress up - especially now women have been working - because it can be uncomfortable. So it was important to me with my role to make clothes that are slightly more dressed up but easy to wear.
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