A Quote by Wole Soyinka

All religions accept that there is something called 'criminality.' And criminality cannot be excused by religious fervour. — © Wole Soyinka
All religions accept that there is something called 'criminality.' And criminality cannot be excused by religious fervour.
A lot of my friends are gangsters. Not like gangsters - well, yeah, all sorts of levels of criminality - but not the types that are preying on innocent people. I have no interest in the type of criminality that has no respect for collateral damage.
We think criminality is something that exists in somehow another world to us. But actually, there is an invisible criminal web in which we are all enveloped.
Criminality is always the result of poverty.
Criminality is now legal. I guess criminal racketeering these days would be like burning little children at the stake or something. That's about what it takes to get anyone to care.
Criminality is a basic part of human nature.
Criminality should be exterminated by disabling all notorious and irreclaimable criminals.
As belief is a passion of the mind, no degree of criminality is attachable to disbelief.
There will be as much deceit and criminality in the world as there is lack of art.
Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death.
I had two experiences of criminality: one was my conman father, the other was teaching at Eton
There is no society known where a more or less developed criminality is not found under different forms. No people exists whose morality is not daily infringed upon. We must therefore call crime necessary and declare that it cannot be non-existent, that the fundamental conditions of social organization, as they are understood, logically imply it.
Of course, the Clintons are not only corrupt but cynical as well. They accept that the progressive media, the foundations, the universities, the bureaucracies, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley honor power more than trendy left-wing politics; they well understand that their fans will, for them, make the necessary adjustments to contextualize Clinton criminality or amorality.
Young black men are considered dangerous, expendable, threatening and part of a culture of criminality.
I think there is a case for strong action and intervention when there is criminality and when the leaders are corrupt or behaving in a criminal fashion.
Anti-social behaviour still blights lives, wrecks communities and provides a pathway to criminality.
I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of others to differ from me in opinion without imputing to them criminality.
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