A Quote by Yamaoka Tesshu

If you want to obtain the secrets of such wonderful techniques, drill yourself, harden yourself, undergo severe training, abandoned body and mind; follow this course for years and you will naturally reach the profoundest levels. To know if water is hot or cold you must taste it yourself.
You do not see clearly the evil in yourself, else you would hate yourself with all your soul. Like the lion who sprang at his image in the water, you are only hurting yourself, O foolish man. When you reach the bottom of the well of your own nature, then you will know that the vileness was from yourself.
Pace yourself, pace yourself, pace yourself. And take time to rest. I guess if you don't rest and rejuvenate, then you harden, and I don't want to harden.
Your body is made up of something like 60 percent water. So if you're constantly draining yourself and dehydrating yourself in your training sessions, you constantly have to be on top of drinking enough water to rehydrate.
Hiding, secrets, and not being able to be yourself is one of the worst things ever for a person. It gives you low self-esteem. You never get to reach that peak in your life. You should always be able to be yourself and be proud of yourself.
The only thing a master can teach is how to learn about yourself. There are no secrets. They are only techniques to waken yourself.
The secret of the world is this: the world is entirely circular and you will go round and round endlessly, never finding what you want, unless you have found what you really want inside yourself. When you follow a star you know you will never reach that star; rather it will guide you to where you want to go. Its a reference point, not an end in itself, even though you seem to be following it. So it is with the world. It will only ever lead you back to yourself. The end of all your exploring will be to cease from exploration and know the place for the first time.
I find that the hot yoga is sort of a false thing, so your body temperature goes up and you can stretch and you can injure yourself a little bit easier than if you work yourself into... if you heat yourself up.
Hold to the idea, "I am not the mind, I see that I am thinking, I am watching my mind act," and each day the identification of yourself with thoughts and feelings will grow less, until at last you can entirely separate yourself from the mind and actually know it to be apart from yourself.
I've always described my taste in fashion and music as being very eclectic and uniquely based off my feelings that day. That's the wonderful thing about style. You can be whatever you want to be. You can describe yourself however you want to describe yourself.
The world is yourself pushed out. Ask yourself what you want and then give it to yourself! Do not question how it will come about; just go your way knowing that the evidence of what you have done must appear, and it will.
There is nothing to practice. To know yourself, be yourself. To be yourself, stop imagining yourself to be this or that. Just be. Let your true nature emerge. Don't disturb your mind with seeking.
Know yourself. Feel yourself. Love yourself. Respect yourself. Take good care of yourself. You are your most precious possession on Earth.
And identity is funny being yourself is funny as you are never yourself to yourself except as you remember yourself and then of course you do not believe yourself.
The most important relationship we can all have is the one you have with yourself, the most important journey you can take is one of self-discovery. To know yourself, you must spend time with yourself, you must not be afraid to be alone. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
You must demand nothing less than the best of yourself and for yourself. You must tell yourself that it is not wrong to want it all.
Obtain from yourself all that makes complaining useless. No longer implore from others what you yourself can obtain.
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