A Quote by Bebe Buell

It's, 'Honey, where's the peacock outfit? What about my leather pants?' You have to swat them clean with a brush. And when the makeup artist passed out, I had to finish. That's why Todd would have two different kinds of eye makeup on.
My idea of no makeup on actors is really no makeup. I mean, they can be wearing makeup. I don't care what they're wearing as long as it looks like they're not wearing makeup. But an actress will suddenly appear with some lipstick on. And that's makeup. Keener's character wears makeup. Her character would wear makeup. I try to stay true to whoever that person is. I hate that kind of thing where you're waking up in the morning with makeup on in a movie. I just think it pulls you out of the movie.
My fingertips are my favorite makeup brush! I especially like to apply my eye shadow with them, get it nice and smudgy. All my favorite makeup artists used their fingers to apply and their hand as a palette.
My philosophy on what makeup is...it's very different from what a woman's is. Makeup came from a very psychological place - of the peacock.
To the extent that someone goes out to criticize another woman about hair, makeup, silliness like that - unless you're talking about a makeup artist or something, really stop and think about what you're doing and why you're doing it.
To me makeup is a major accessory. It can change an outfit, it can make the outfit, it can be the outfit, and that's why I like to play with it.
People value makeup differently. Some people see makeup as an artistic expression, some people use makeup as a boost of confidence. I just think makeup is so beautiful and that it really is art. That's why I do makeup.
I prefer wearing no makeup anyway, because I like the contrast when you go out at night and you look different. I actually feel more confident with less makeup than I do with makeup on.
Generally I would say that I'm not a super-adventurous shadow girl. I'm all about a lip, eyebrow, and mascara, but through the years, working with different talented makeup artists, I learned how awesome eye makeup can be if you get it right. That's how we got the colors we came up with.
I am not so bad, actually, at doing my own makeup, so for more low-key events, I'll do my own, but for something like 'Harper's Bazaar' Icons Party, I would definitely get a makeup artist or a hair artist if I had time.
When you have a cute outfit on and your makeup looks amazing, the first thing people comment on is your image. When you don't wear makeup, you hear things like, 'Oh wow, you look tired,' or, 'You're so brave for not wearing makeup!'
When you look cakey, or you have too much on, and you actually see the makeup, the makeup isn't doing its job. When you use the makeup in a way where the people aren't thinking about the makeup, and they're looking at you, that's what we want.
As a woman, and as somebody in the public eye, we always have to be ready for the red carpet and have the nicest outfit, work with the best makeup artist. While all that's nice, we're also human beings.
I grew up learning from numerous makeup artists how to put on makeup, different ways you can put on makeup, what type of makeup to use, what type of makeup not to use.
Well, as I got older and started using makeup, I wanted to use something lightweight under my makeup that wouldn't clog my pores. So I get up in the morning, brush my teeth, wash my face, and do my whole routine. Sunscreen is the first thing I put on before I put on my makeup.
I remember taking my makeup off at a Saint Laurent shoot, and I was dragging it across my eye. The makeup artist was like, 'Don't do that to your skin! Don't pull it like that!' And I'm like, 'Really?'
Before I go to bed, I brush my teeth and take off all my makeup. I like to use Neutrogena's makeup remover wipes.
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