A Quote by Gigi Hadid

I only box. It's the only thing that keeps me sane. I can't just go to the gym and run. I'd rather die. I played volleyball and rode horses my entire life, so just, like, moving to a city and having to go the gym was just, like, so weird for me.
I just try to eat things in moderation and find exercise that I enjoy, because I'm not a gym person. I cannot go to the gym and run on the treadmill and do weights for two hours. It's the most boring thing in the world for me, so I found martial arts.
I'm really big on the gym and yoga. I'm at the gym at least six days. That is just getting there and creating those endorphins and sweating. And that routine also keeps me grounded in spite of whatever my life looks like.
I've always been a workout type guy. So if I'm feeling down or I'm not happy with something, I go to the gym and I get a shot of energy. If things don't go well in any aspect of my life, I'm going to the gym and I'm going to shoot. That's my one type of place that's a safe haven where I go and it's just me, the basketball and the hoop, and I'm just doing something I love to do.
I haven't given up drinking, just drinking a little less and going to the gym. I think when you get into your thirties you have to start. I'm not 18 anymore so you can't just be partying every day, you've got to have some kind of balance, so I try and go to the gym now once a year, that keeps me going!
In high school, I had gym, and with me just being so competitive, I would go too hard in gym class.
Sometimes I'd literally show up at the gym having a panic attack, and my trainer would be like, 'All right, let's just go get breakfast.' I can't give enough credit to him... he was really there for me, and not just like a trainer where it's like, 'Well, come on, man, I gotta pump you up.' He cared more about my mind and the state that I was in.
When my husband of almost 20 years can’t take his eyes off me? That’s amazing. But the number one reason I go to the gym is because it keeps me sane; I can deal with whatever’s coming at me.
What fun that is, doing voices. I would do them every day if they wanted me to. It's so much fun to go to work and not shave and wear your tennis shoes and your gym clothes. As opposed to having to shave, shower, go to the gym, look good, get ready, go to makeup and hair, and all that stuff. I love doing voices. It's just so relaxing.
I remember meeting my manager Eamonn for the very first time, and one of the first things he said to me was, 'You're fat. The first thing you need to go is get to a gym.' It was quite a wake-up call. I got a bit angry initially, like, 'The cheek of him', but I'm quite a pragmatic and thick-skinned person, so I just went ahead and joined the gym.
I can't be bothered to go to the gym, though. I honestly just can't be bothered - it's the most boring thing on Earth. I have tried and every six months I go 'right, I'm going to the gym'. Then I do it for two weeks and get so bored by it.
MMA has been very accepting. I wouldn't say that every gym you go to is as open as the gym I'm a part of. But they just accepted me with open arms.
I don't like to run. You will not see me running on a treadmill ever. Ever! I like boxing, though, so if I can go to the gym and box for 30 minutes, I will.
I just kept going to the gym, and luckily I have a gym at home, so I just go in there probably for 30 minutes and then I go back out and then I go back in for another 30 minutes and accumulated like about three-and-a-half hours of working out a day. It was a lot. It was ridiculous. But I said I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it right.
I always have my group of friends at the gym. We used to go hang out somewhere before. Now we're just hanging out at the gym. We have sparring parties where everyone beats each other up, but then we all eat my dad's cooking, and I hire a massage therapist, so everyone is just kicking back and having a good time. I just keep the environment great.
I find that, when I'm working, if I start the day with a run - outside, not in a gym, but just me out there in the elements, with only my own legs to propel me forward... It's something to do with just being in the world and getting out of my own head.
Here's a pro-tip: there's no such thing as a 'gym person.' There are just people who go to the gym. Similarly, there's no such thing as a 'productive person.' There are just people who do productive things fairly often.
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