A Quote by Casey Neistat

I consider myself to be a very good skateboarder, but the difficulty when you're being pulled behind any car, when there's only a 20-ft. line, is that you can't see the potholes.
Oh, I would love to be a motivational speaker. I have pulled myself out of a million potholes, and I can see the potholes ahead of me. That doesn't mean that I could always do that so perfectly for my own life. I totally fall in potholes.
In a weird way, I never wanted - I don't consider myself a very good writer. I consider myself okay; I don't consider myself great. There's Woody Allen and Aaron Sorkin. There's Quentin Tarantino. I'm not ever gonna be on that level. But I do consider myself a good filmmaker.
I'm living in a dream. I really consider myself really lucky. I was born and raised in Guatemala, in a village, where to go to the market you have to take two buses or drive about 20 minutes if you are lucky enough to have a car. I grew up very, very poor and I didn't even know that being an actor could be a career.
Failures are inevitable. Unfortunately, in film they live for ever and they're 40 ft wide and 20 ft high.
I consider myself a very bubbly girl who takes only the good from any situation that comes my way in life.
I see myself being married to my girlfriend and backpacking all over the world. If I can go out and do a 15-mile hike and climb a 12,000-ft. peak, I'm good to go.
I can’t count the times I have lagged seemingly hopelessly far behind, and nobody except myself thinks I can win. But I have pulled myself in from desperate [situations]. When you are behind there are two strategies - counter-attack or all men to the defences. I’m good at finding the right balance between those.
We see very broad-based, moderate, growth. Most of the sectors are quite strong. I don't see any major potholes, and I believe [the economy] is strengthening.
I was a real skateboarder, not a gifted skateboarder. I represented that skateboarding was fun to do by being terrible at it.
The alpine environment is very delicate. I've been able to see change in the mountains in the 20 years that I've been climbing full-time. Glaciers have receded. The tree-line is changing. That's very rapid to see nature changing in a 20-year period.
If being a skateboarder were a personality type and not actually an athletic activity, then I'd say I'm a skateboarder. But I don't ride one. I'm a bicycle person.
Pushing myself against my own will really, because some of this stuff is hard. I don't consider myself to be a great guitar player, so pushing myself as a guitar player or pushing myself as a singer, as a performer, and just riding that fine line between being so hard on yourself that it's counter-productive and being so hard on yourself that nothing is ever good enough is what drives me.
I don’t think I’m making myself very clear Low,” he’d lowered his voice and the effect made goose bumps break out over my body. “I was only interested in one person at that bar last night. I only came to see one person,” he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and softly caressed my earlobe before tracing the line of my jaw. “I was there for you.
I'm one of the fortunate ones to be making a good living for myself off of being a professional skateboarder. But there's hundreds and hundreds of pro skateboarders out there that are professional and they are so good at what they do. But... there's just not that much money in skateboarding.
Myself, my little brother and my cousins have all been victims of racist police or prejudice, getting pulled over in a car and having to search the car for no reason.
I do consider myself a very spiritual being. I fear being seen as political in any context because it's so limiting, but I do feel Godflesh is a protest music of sorts. That was the background that I came from.
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