Top 1200 Responsible Person Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Responsible Person quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
It's our imagination that's responsible for love, not the other person.
You can't be a good person when you're writing and a bad person to your husband or a bad friend. You can't be a jerk in order to be a good writer. You can't say, "I'm too busy writing to be political." You are one person. You are the same person in every aspect of your life, and you have to be a responsible person in every aspect of your life.
Responsible, who wants to be responsible? Whenever something bad happens, it's always, who's responsible for this? — © Jerry Seinfeld
Responsible, who wants to be responsible? Whenever something bad happens, it's always, who's responsible for this?
We create our own government. We are responsible for its beauty and for its ugliness. We are responsible for its glories and for its failures and, most important, we are responsible for amending those failures no matter who are their most immediate architects.
The company has grown so by hiring the right people, and a key person responsible for finding the right people is Ann Marr. Ann is responsible on both ends - finding the people and retaining them.
It is impossible for anyone to be responsible for another person's behavior. The most you or any leader can do is to encourage each one to be responsible for himself.
I had no plans to become a responsible person.
We are not responsible for every thought that goes wandering through our mind. We are, however, responsible for the ones we hold there. We're especially responsible for the one's we put there.
The war is not planned. I don't believe that any responsible person plans it. But it's thought as possible.
Bravo can't be responsible for the mental state of every single person that comes onto their network.
The President is responsible to the public for the conduct of the person he has nominated and appointed.
There is only one person responsible for the quality of life you live and that person is you.
I take full responsibility for what happened. That's why the person who was responsible went immediately. — © Gordon Brown
I take full responsibility for what happened. That's why the person who was responsible went immediately.
Ministers may not be responsible for administrative errors, but they are responsible for major policy blunders.
I've just tried to be a responsible person and pay my bills. But whatever it is I do, I want to do the best I can.
As for the concept of collective guilt, I personally think that it is totally unjustified to hold one person responsible for the behavior of another person or a collective of persons.
Every person is responsible for his own looks after 40.
Every person is responsible for all the good within the scope of his abilities, and for no more.
Those who have the power and should be the most responsible are often the least responsible.
Well, I mean, Russia was responsible for shooting down MH17. Russia was responsible for invading Ukraine. Russia is responsible for taking away the chemical weapons in Syria that they didn't take away. Russia was responsible for having honest athletes in the Olympics when they did the whole doping program.
Unless you've been in the job as a head coach, and certainly at the Premier League level and elite level, it's stressful. You're responsible for everything. You're responsible for how the team plays, if they don't turn up you're responsible for that, your job is to get them playing.
I think putting the United States down across the world is not something that a responsible person does.
Once you have a small child who depends on you for every little thing, you're responsible for him. It's a huge responsibility. For me, it makes me into a more responsible person.
My life has become about trying to find effective ways to be as responsible with the choices I make - in food, clothing and everything else. I don't want to be responsible for the harm of any creature, person or animal.
To be a responsible person is to find one's role in the building of shalom, the re-webbing of God, humanity and all creation in justice, harmony, fulfillment and delight. To be a responsible person is to find one's own role and then, funded by the grace of God, to fill this role and to delight in it.
You look at war as something that is putting your best friend in jeopardy. You are responsible for the person in front of you and the person behind you, and the person to the left of you and the person to the right of you.
Personally I don't want to be regarded as that one person who's responsible for the title.
I have the lived experience of a Black man in America, also raising Black kids, but I also have the lived experience of being a responsible person who is responsible for the resourcing and the outfitting of a law enforcement agency.
The practice of democracy means that I, one person, one humble person, nevertheless feel some responsibility if the officials for whose election I was responsible go too far out of line.
You cannot be responsible for salvation until first you've been responsible for sin.
You do what you do - in the circumstances in which you find yourself - because of the way you are. So if you're going to be ultimately responsible for what you do, you're going to have to be ultimately responsible for the way you are - at least in certain mental respects. But you can't be ultimately responsible for the way you are (for the reasons just given). So you can't be ultimately responsible for what you do.
When you start feeling the baby kick, you realize there's a person inside, and that pregnancy is very different from having a person you're responsible for for the rest of your life. I don't know what I'm doing, but then I have to remind myself no parent does, right?
I think it is a combination of looks, aura, success, the energies that one gives out, the person you are and the person you feel like that makes you 'desirable.' When the outside world sees you as a man who is responsible for himself and his family, as a man who is fit and sensitive, it kind of ups your desirability.
I am not a responsible person.
Who stands firm? Only the one for whom the final standard is not his reason, his principles, his conscience, his freedom, his virtue, but who is ready to sacrifice all these, when in faith and sole allegiance to God he is called to obedient and responsible action: the responsible person, whose life will be nothing but an answer to God's question and call.
I am responsible for the team and a journalist should be responsible for his article.
I call myself a very sincere and responsible person.
We are each responsible for our own life-no other person can be. — © Oprah Winfrey
We are each responsible for our own life-no other person can be.
I believe that in your heart you already know something is profoundly wrong. When bartenders are responsible for drunk drivers' acts, and gunmakers are responsible for criminals' acts, and nobody is responsible for O. J. Simpson's acts, something is wrong.
We begin to change the dynamic of our relationships as we are able to share our reactions to others without holding them responsible for causing our feelings, and without blaming ourselves for the reactions that other people have in response to our choices & actions. We are responsible for our own behavior and we are not responsible for other people's reactions; nor are they responsible for ours.
You may not be responsible for being down, but you must be responsible for getting up.
I'm responsible for what I say, but I'm not responsible about how people interpret my situation.
We do not believe that you can be 'half responsible' or pick and choose the convenient areas to be responsible in
All these people helped make this book possible. But let me make one thing clear: If there are any errors or omissions in this book, these people are not responsible. In the end, there is only one person responsible for what I write, and that person, of course, is: Donald Trump.
Most seem to think that while a person may not be responsible for the opportunities he gets in life, each is entirely responsible for what he makes of these opportunities.
The exceptional patient is the person who, despite their diagnosis, takes charge of their health and decides to be responsible to their illness or their condition and not necessarily feel responsible for it. One stance is drenched in blame and the other is full of power.
No one owns you - no matter what the relationship. You are not here on this earth to fulfill the dreams, wants or wishes of a parent, a mate or a child. You are also not responsible to protect any other person from facing their own consequences or realities. You are here to exist, to develop and to grow and be responsible to and for yourself. In the bigger picture of things, it would be well if you also contributed to making this world a better place to be because you passed through it.
We're in a mess in America, and it's because of what you think. We're in a mess because of your party. We're in a mess, Mrs. Clinton, because you've been there. You were responsible for this economy. You're responsible our foreign policy. You're responsible for the massive illegal immigration.
...if it isn't literally true that my wanting is causally responsible for my reaching, and my itching is causally responsible for my scratching, and my believing is causally responsible for my saying . . . If none of that is literally true, then practically everything I believe about anything is false and it's the end of the world.
You cannot be responsible for Jim Crow. You can not be responsible for racism. This is much more a problem for the person exercising racism.You are confronted with the reality of racism when you go in the streets, when the eyes of others come upon you. [James] Baldwin goes back with you to all the experiences you went through and gives a name to them, and explains why it is like this.
If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month. — © Theodore Roosevelt
If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month.
Every person must stand up and be accountable, but be responsible for their actions.
There's this constant narrative of anxieties: Is the U.S. in decline? Is China rising? People forget... no other country is trying to play the role we play. They're not signing up to be responsible for security in the Middle East, responsible for the global economy, responsible for enforcing international norms.
A responsible person is one who responds.
For a person to feel responsible for his actions, he must sense that the behavior has flowed from the self.
A person's either responsible for themselves or we're all responsible for each other.
It's responsible for the sloppiness and imprecision of the War on Terror, for example. It's responsible for taking people's tax dollars and spending the country into debt on useless wars and pointless pork projects to buy votes. It's responsible for bailing out the banks instead of standing up for the people the banks cheated. It's responsible for plenty.
We are not responsible for our endowments or natural abilities, but we are responsible for the strategic use of time.
The essence in obedience consists in the fact that a person comes to view himself as an instrument for carrying out another person's wishes and he therefore no longer regards himself as responsible for his actions.
I'm not proud of killing, of being responsible for the death of a single person. I never will be.
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