Top 1200 Agree To Disagree Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Agree To Disagree quotes.
Last updated on October 20, 2024.
Our lives are not what we deserve; they are, let us agree, in many ways deficient.
A wild rose roofs the ruined shed, And that and summer well agree.
I don't believe anything unless I understand it inside out. And even if I understand something, it is not uncommon that I disagree with accepted view (even if it's a Nobel laureate).
When men and women agree, it is only in their conclusions; their reasons are always different. — © George Santayana
When men and women agree, it is only in their conclusions; their reasons are always different.
I agree: Americans can be very apathetic. We're not proactive. We sit and watch TV.
God calls all of his children to the table. We can disagree and even say a lot of hateful things, but what we can't do in good conscience is leave the table. Or demand that someone else not be at the table.
We don't agree with Caitlyn Jenner deciding she is the spokesperson for trans people.
Two radical activists in an organizing group sometime despise each other and disagree with each other as much as a Republican and Democratic politician do.
I agree with the realistic Irishman who said he preferred to prophesy after the event.
However, I believe that it would be difficult to have legitimate scientists agree to participate.
I'm kind of the antithesis of a comedian. People that don't like me will agree with that.
In my opinion, Jesus is God's attempt to reach man. But while I believe Jesus is the way to God, it makes no sense to hate people who disagree.
Facts: Words treated as statement of actuality by those who agree with them.
I would never agree to sing something I didn't feel was 100% me. — © Tove Lo
I would never agree to sing something I didn't feel was 100% me.
Do we not all agree to call rapid thought and noble impulse by the name of inspiration?
One of the things we must be able to agree to is to lose an election and not take to the streets.
I think we can all agree that sleeping around is a great way to meet people.
I don't agree with the libertarians. I want my security first. I'll deal with all the details after that.
We rarely think people have good sense unless they agree with us.
Abortion raises moral and spiritual questions over which honorable persons can disagree sincerely and profoundly. But those disagreements did not then and do not now relieve us of our duty to apply the Constitution faithfully.
It's a violent world we live in. I don't agree with trying to hide that or cover it up.
I agree that a nuclear Iran is extremely dangerous, and I believe that it must be prevented.
I really never break the rules. I'm not scared to say what I think or if I really disagree with something then I'll say it, but I'm not kind of like a born rebel.
I enjoy being around people who disagree with me; and I enjoy being in non-political contexts and activities.
Most Hoosiers intend to support the Republican nominees. Most Hoosiers believe leaders like myself should speak out when we disagree.
When push comes to shove, we all should know most Americans want the same things, but just disagree on how to get there, which is why it should be okay to not panic if the other party wins.
Critics can say horrible things. It only hurts when I agree with them.
You often see in Washington those who disagree you described as stupid or evil. It's one of the most unfortunate trends of modern political discourse. Portraying opponents as too dumb to know the truth but smart enough and wanting people to suffer.
Cannes is a sort of gladiators' arena, and that's the fun part of it. When you accept to come here to open the festival, you know you are going to be criticised. I have no problem with the fact that I expose myself and the movie, and it's normal that I can disagree with the way some people feel.
I agree strongly that no story is more valuable than someone's life.
In every age and clime we see Two of a trade can never agree.
People living their lives for you on TV; They say they're better than you, and you agree.
I can guarantee you one thing, we will never agree on anything as we agreed on Elvis.
You're in a band with someone, it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to agree with everything they think or do.
Know in the first place, that mankind agree in essence, as they do in limbs and senses.
In solitude we have our dreams to ourselves, and in company we agree to dream in concert.
I agree with Chomsky in almost nothing. When it comes to innate structures and so on, I'm very skeptical
Even people that I agree with can do something that would be a target for a bit of humor.
Even where people in different cultures agree they may all have gone wrong. — © Torbjorn Tannsjo
Even where people in different cultures agree they may all have gone wrong.
Love doesn't necessarily mean bless or agree with, it means sacrifice for and suffer with.
The only valid starting point is to understand what we all share - we have to find what we can all agree on.
All of the candidates agree that the Democratic Party needs to undergo fundamental reforms.
I never agree with Communists or any other kind of kept men.
While I will never demonize those who disagree with me, the Hoosier values instilled in me from a young age have always inspired me to protect life and the unborn.
A true friend is someone you can disagree with and still remain friends. For if not, they weren't true friends in the first place.
People see things differently and remember things differently. It's why if somebody robs a liquor store and there are four witnesses they'll often disagree.
Our opinions agree as to the evil, moral, political, and economical, of slavery.
Shame is the feeling you have when you agree with the woman who loves you that you are the man she thinks you are.
One must renounce the bad taste of wishing to agree with many people. — © Friedrich Nietzsche
One must renounce the bad taste of wishing to agree with many people.
'The Sea Wolf' is the story of a man who believes only in brute force. He is so firm in belief in his own ideas that he despises all who disagree with him. He preaches the doctrine of intolerance. He flaunts the notion that democracy is anything but weakness.
We can all agree that first loves can be a scary thing, and that growing up is hard to do.
If we agree that the world is not what it seems, then we have an important question: What shall we do about it?
When two or more people agree on an issue, I form on the other side.
As far as the nuclear is concerned, I agree. It is the single greatest threat that this country has.
When you think you have something special, you can't be the only one what thinks it; everybody else has to agree.
The Law Polarity decrease that everything has an opposite it's the flip side of the coin, you're right my left, the front the back, consider this next time you disagree with someone because their right from their point of view.
When someone who wields political power does something you dislike or disagree with, it's incumbent upon you to object, criticize, and demand a different course. Those who refuse to do so are abdicating the most basic duty of citizenship and rendering themselves impotent.
The best explanation why people agree is that they have converged on true answers.
I will stand strong to defend people even if I don't agree with them.
I don't want to get into it, but if you know someone, it doesn't mean you agree with everything they say or they do.
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