I would be happy naked as long as I'm wearing fabulous shoes.
Before you abuse, criticize, and accuse walk a mile in my shoes.
I never asked another player for their shoes, it's a little weird.
There's nothing standard about a wedding dress or shoes anymore.
Seem like a lot of people wear shoes they can't walk in.
Matching shoes and bags immediately age you by 10 years.
You might be a redneck if going to the bathroom involves shoes and a flashlight.
You can wear anything as long as you put a nice pair of shoes with it.
Many investors make the mistake of buying high and selling low while the exact opposite is the right strategy.
Overwhelming, student loan payments are holding millions back from buying homes, starting families, and saving for retirement.
Don't speak ill of your predecessors or successors. You didn't walk in their shoes.
I rarely wear tennis shoes. I'm 5' 8', I hate being short.
Why would you pour a foundation, buy machines, hire employees, if you can make as much money buying bonds?
I'm a professional with very little time on my hands. I've got better things to be doing than buying a pint of milk.
When I was 18, I was working at Luton airport and spending all my money on going out and buying tops. I had no fears, no responsibilities.
I spend a lot of money on shoes and barely any on clothes.
Strategy is buying a bottle of fine wine when you take a lady out for dinner. Tactics is getting her to drink it.
A woman does not spend all her time in buying things; she spends part of it in taking them back.
I'd much rather have the consumer buy a Wii, some accessories, and a ton of games, vs. buying any of my competitor's products.
I've always looked at shoes as being immensely beautiful things.
Every game, somebody is asking me where I got my shoes.
There is so much to be gained from investing more time in what we eat. Buying fresh ingredients means knowing where your food comes from and what's in it.
Journalists seem mostly interested in what brand of shoes I wear.
I live in N.Y.C. and walk everywhere, so I like stylish shoes that are comfortable.
I wear T-shirts and backwards hats and buy my shoes at Payless!
I still have my feet on the ground; it's just that I wear expensive shoes.
Don't criticize what you can't understand, son. You never walked in that's man shoes.
I still have my feet on the ground, I just wear better shoes.
We will begin by learning how to tie our shoes.
If you go to a venture firm, what you're doing is you're buying money from them in exchange for equity. They have a commodity that they're selling and they have to differentiate themselves.
We all walk in different shoes. What one does may not be right for everybody.
Really good shoes have to seduce both men and women.
If our men and women in uniform are restricted from buying first-class airfare, the same should apply to Congress.
My American walking shoes are new, and my Oriental eyes are old.
Poetry: three mismatched shoes at the entrance of a dark alley.
One of the reasons so many people get burned in the market is because they start buying as they see prices going up.
Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.
Speed is the No. 1 thing. Our core competency has been doing exactly this: buying companies and integrating them quickly.
The reason that so many of us cannot save money is because of our friends. They're always buying something we can't afford.
Hi, this is Ganymede, cup-bearer to Zeus, and when I'm out buying wine for the Lord of the Skies, I always buckle up!
After years of buying clothes I intend to diet into, I'll say this: the skeleton in my closet has some really nice outfits.
My idea of splashing out would be buying a new spanner. I've got about 300 - you can't have too many in my opinion.
I have no problems with buying tampons. I am a fairly modern man. But apparently they're not a "proper" present. "Happy birthday, mum!"
Before you judge someone, walk a mile in his shoes.
I'm less comfortable in stilettos than I am in running shoes.
I love hats, shoes, outfits, handbags, and ethnic jewelery.
I come from a long line of women who like shoes to a fault.
Right now, there is no way that the federal government can prevent someone who's on the terror watch list from buying a gun - none.
Cena, love him or not, connects with the ticket buying public better than any one in the biz. End of story.
The next few years is really going to be focused on shoes.
I didn't know that buying expensive paint was a good thing and important. I always used whatever is cheapest, which I'm into, too.
Could the garment and appliance industries be in cahoots together, creating an artificial sock demand to keep us buying?
How can we help my kids step into the shoes of another child?
My shoes are perfect for the very sexy woman who wants to be elegant.
When buying a used car, punch the buttons on the radio. If all the stations are rock and roll, there's a good chance the transmission is shot.
I prefer flats to heels. I donate shoes I'm not wearing anymore.
Shoes off in the whale! And don't try and make a break for the anus.
I said, 'I'm a rock star. I can't preach in nobody's church. Are you crazy?' Let alone buy one. Oh, I wound up buying one.
I want to make shoes that a woman can walk in. That's kind of what they're made for.
People are buying music from 12-year-olds. No one realizes they didn't create this. They didn't write this. They didn't make this. All they have to do is press play, and you have a band.
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