Top 1200 Clothes Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Clothes quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Planet of the Apes was a gigantic challenge, making the clothes work so people could do stunts and action in the clothes. I really learned a lot about that in that movie.
A policeman in plain clothes is a man; in his uniform he is ten. Clothes and title are the most potent thing, the most formidable influence, in the earth. They move the human race to willing and spontaneous respect for the judge, the general, the admiral, the bishop, the ambassador, the frivolous earl, the idiot duke, the sultan, the king, the emperor. No great title is efficient without clothes to support it.
The element of fashion I'd like to see more often? Clothes that fit people well. For me it's not so much about the clothes. — © Tim Gunn
The element of fashion I'd like to see more often? Clothes that fit people well. For me it's not so much about the clothes.
They’re not women’s clothes. They’re my clothes. I bought them.
Clothes allow you to see yourself in a different light. They can transform you instantly and have a very real, visceral impact. Clothes become symbolic of who we are.
It is hard finding clothes that fit. At the German Vogue shoot most of the clothes were undone at the back.
It was my idea that if you started any kind of business, you should begin somewhere near where you hoped to end. In other words, if I wanted to make really good clothes to order, I would start out making good, and therefore expensive, clothes to order. If I started making inexpensive clothes, I thought probably I'd die making them.
Yes, my clothes don't reflect my personality at all. Because I'm a very straightforward and serious person. My clothes are much flasher than I am. Yeh. Yeh, yeh. It's a good contrast. I don't think your clothes should reflect your personality... keep people on their toes.
[from The One and Only Official Mr. Gum Official Glossary That Tells You What Words Mean by Explaining Them Using Other Words] : Launderette: This is where you go to wash your clothes. You put the money into the slot and then you chuck your clothes into the washing machine and about six hours and twenty-five dollars later all your clothes have shrunk and turned pink. Fantastic value
I cap myself when I shop; I don't like to spend extravagant amounts on clothes. But, I do get lent clothes for events, it's scary to wear something so expensive, but I feel really pampered.
Jean-Luc Godard saw me in a commercial. He first asked me to play a little part in 'Breathless' of a girl who is taking her clothes off. I said, 'No, I don't want to take my clothes off.' But he called me again for 'Le Petit Soldat.' He said it was a political film, so I didn't have to take my clothes off at all.
You can't tell me what to wear, Indian clothes or no clothes.
As soon as my clothes come back from the laundry I hang them up on the left-hand side of the wardrobe and take clothes to wear from the right, so they're constantly rotating.
Liverpool people are famous for liking clothes and fashion; they are very social and lively people, and we know that they like clothes. — © Vivienne Westwood
Liverpool people are famous for liking clothes and fashion; they are very social and lively people, and we know that they like clothes.
Gender roles are absurd when you actually look at them. The fact that anybody could ever say or think that dressing in women's clothes is wrong, or odd. Women dressing in women's clothes and men dressing in men's clothes is the actually the thing that is really odd.
~My favorite thing about my son is that he comes home from school and the clothes go flying! Like, clothes off, right down to the undies.~
When I was in 'Philadelphia Story' I got Joe Cotten to pick out my clothes. He loves clothes and he knows them; never gets the wrong tie and shirt combination.
I always laugh because if I walk through the mall in my gym clothes a ponytail I get recognized but if I'm in street clothes or dressed up not very many people notice.
I like vintage clothes, a lot of '80s band shirts. I wear a lot of my boyfriend's clothes, too.
American women often fall into the trap of, 'Oh, these are my weekend clothes. These are my work clothes. This is what I wear at night.' It's so old-fashioned.
I mean, the shoe - there is a music to it, there is attitude, there is sound, it's a movement. Clothes - it's a different story. There are a million things I'd rather do before designing clothes: directing, landscaping.
Because of what's going on with the economy, I think women are realizing that maybe they don't need a closet full of clothes. They just need the right clothes.
Cuts of clothes and shapes of clothes are really important.
I just love having no clothes on outside, and the only time to do that is when the sun's shining. It's a wonderful sensation to not have any clothes on.
All the clothes in my closet are Oakland, California, clothes. You can't wear those anywhere else. The barometric pressure drops and then where are you?
I want to make clothes that are beautiful of course, but also clothes that are interesting and considered and intelligent and not out of place.
Style advice? Always wear clothes... that are... clean, for starters. An added bonus if it is pressed as well. Unless you are wearing clothes that are supposed to look rumpled.
I was the child at school in second-hand or handmade clothes and, as I grew older, I craved material wealth, a big house and designer clothes.
I think you should suffer sometimes to be attractive and beautiful, so I cut the clothes very slim because I like to feel the clothes on my body.
A man has his clothes made to fit him; a woman makes herself fit her clothes.
If it is a relief to take your clothes off at night, be sure that something is wrong. Clothes should not be a burden. They shouldbe a comfort and a protection.
I think fashion is a lot of fun. I love clothes. More than fashion or brand labels, I love design. I love the thought that people put into clothes. I love when clothes make cultural statements and I think personal style is really cool. I also freely recognize that fashion should be a hobby.
I admit I love clothes and I buy clothes. But they sit in my closet. I like a pair of comfy pants, flip flops and a t- shirt. And when we pick a restaurant, my criteria is: Where can I wear this?.
Guilty feelings about clothes are totally unnecessary. A lot of people earn their living by making clothes, so you should never feel bad.
And watch two men washing clothes, one makes dry clothes wet. The other makes wet clothes dry. they seem to be thwarting each other, but their work is a perfect harmony. Every holy person seems to have a different doctrine and practice, but there's really only one work.
I was actually so small that my baby clothes were actually doll clothes from Toys 'R' Us because that's all that would fit me!
I like clothes. And I think it's OK to think about clothes just so long as you also think about other things. I'm not interested in clothes to the point where they'll push other things out of my mind; I just see them as a way of expressing yourself, and a pleasure, really.
Now get some clothes on before the women around here are driven into a frenzy." He gave me a mournful look. "I'm afraid that'll happen with or without clothes, my dear. — © Richelle Mead
Now get some clothes on before the women around here are driven into a frenzy." He gave me a mournful look. "I'm afraid that'll happen with or without clothes, my dear.
If today I have been able to sell myself, it's because I agreed to shed my clothes and my inhibitions. And the more clothes I take off, the greater the number of people who come to see my films.
I want people to fall back in love with clothes like they did in the old days, and value what they buy a little more, and look after clothes better.
I love new clothes. If everyone could just wear new clothes everyday, I reckon depression wouldn’t exist anymore.
Your clothes are an extra skin, and if you feel good in them, you radiate confidence and then the clothes are just the background. If you go out and wear the most beautiful thing but you don't feel good in it, you are not 100% present. You are worrying about the collar or the fit - the key thing for me is to be present in what I'm doing rather than worrying about my clothes.
When I see beautiful clothes, I want to keep them, preserve them... Clothes, like architecture and art, reflect an era.
My intention is not to make clothes. My head would be too restricted if I only thought about making clothes.
I absolutely hate clothes shopping, though I love clothes. It's my idea of heaven to be handed things to wear.
I'm a pretty big clothes horse. I shop for clothes constantly. I do so much shopping. I should go to Shoppers Anonymous.
Every year when I put away my winter clothes and get out my summer clothes, they fit. And I haven't been on a diet since the Reagan administration.
Ninety percent of our lives is governed by emotion. Our brains merely register and act upon what is telegraphed to them by our bodily experience. Intellect is to emotion as our clothes are to our bodies; we could not very well have civilized life without clothes, but we would be in a poor way if we had only clothes without bodies.
The retail industry has its own headache: it loses $16 billion a year to customers who buy clothes, wear them with the tags tucked in, and return these secondhand clothes for a full refund.
I'm not interested in clothes that just convey a certain look or fashion. Clothes for me have always been a form of self-expression. — © Phoebe Philo
I'm not interested in clothes that just convey a certain look or fashion. Clothes for me have always been a form of self-expression.
I believe in the semiotics of clothes. They send a message about how the world perceives us. For me it goes beyond clothes, it's grooming. It's accessories. It's the whole head to toe look.
That's what it is every time you walk into the room to write with someone new. It's like, oh god I have to take my clothes off 'my creative clothes' and let them see all of my flaws.
I'm not a collector of clothes. I've got clothes to wear.
Do I care about clothes and stuff? Not much. It's a bit sick, isn't it, people spending all that money on clothes? I'm too stingy. I wouldn't pay £100 for a shirt.
You haven't seen me in my own ads. You don't see my logo all over my clothes. From the beginning, I wanted the clothes to stand on their own.
I don't really care if my clothes are wrinkled or there's a stain on my shirt. Going out on the road, your clothes are dirty.
Style depends more on how you carry yourself in the clothes than the clothes alone, but a killer pair of heels doesn't hurt.
Naturally, I’ve always been mad about clothes. You don’t get born in Paris to forget about clothes for a minute.
I always felt very free about experimenting with clothes. I was into clothes in a big way from a young age. Not expensive but fun and experimental.
I'm into clothes, but in a way that's related to wanting to walk into a film noir movie. You know, I love to go to vintage stores, but mostly it's stuff that I don't have anywhere to wear... I don't have the life that goes with the clothes.
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