The more you're competing, the higher the level is in training. That means the quality is going to be higher on a Saturday, Wednesday or whenever we're playing.
The challenge when you think about product distribution is: how are you competing for potential customers or potential members time?
We live in a world of competing narratives. In the end, we have to decide for ourselves which is right. And having made that decision, we then need to inhabit the story we trust.
The belts to me, they don't really mean much to be honest. It's the people who I fought and me going out there competing and fighting.
When you get off five or six months, and you're not competing as an athlete, you want to get back out on the field.
I love competing in everything that I do, and I try to express that, but I try not to rush it.
The theory of Zen is non-competition. But that is not really true at all. People who practice Zen are very competitive. They are competing against emptiness.
Wonderful characters rotate around and through bookshops on a daily basis, competing with and possibly even triumphing over fiction when it comes to entertainment, strangeness and inspiration.
I have always been a martial arts fighter; it goes to back when I was eighteen. I was competing on the circuit, but when you're performing, you tend to pull punches because you don't want to hurt anyone.
Devolving APD to Scotland is merely tinkering with it. We have to get shot of this hated tax right across the country to ensure all of our airports are competing on level terms.
I do miss competing, being out there - the atmosphere, I do miss it.
The atmosphere at my school was very competitive. Young girls were competing with each other every day for status, for leadership, for the affection of the teachers. I hated it.
Now that I'm in my 40s, it's much easier to be an artist. It's good knowing that I'm not in the game to be competing with really young groups of kids on the radio. Or to, you know, make 'beat' music.
I'm a naturally very competitive person and I've been competing in triathlons throughout 2012 to keep fit and keep my mind sharp.
When I was at Tech, no public school was ahead of us in graduation rates. We got our guys to compete in the classroom, and if they're competing in class and in football, that's an attitude they take into life.
That's how people get better. Keep progressing, keep competing, and good things will happen.
We want to challenge ourselves against the top teams in the world and are happy to be competing on so many fronts. And, personally, it's great for me to work with the quality of player we have here at Chelsea.
Because we're sponsored by competing breweries there is always competition. When we were both fighting for ninth or 10th place, nobody really cared except the two companies.
I just like to play anything that's competitive. If I'm not competing against somebody, then I might as well play something I can enjoy.
There's a lot of talented guys, but at the end of the day, you've got to go out there and get it. It's really about who's competing and who wants it more on both ends of the floor.
To me, it doesn't matter who's out there: NBA basketball is great - if teams are putting out their best players and they're competing to win.
Who can guarantee that he [Alexander Milinkevich, a Belarussian opposition presidential candidate] is the most promising candidate capable of competing with the incumbent president?
Cell phones tend to bring us more inside of our lives whereas movies offer a chance to escape, so there are two competing forces.
I'm a racer at heart more than anything else, and that will always be my priority: competing. But ultimately, if you can't drive, you can still have the competitive spirit outside of a car.
The FIS, BSF, and British Olympic Association have been trying to stop me competing internationally. They don't like the fact that I laugh and have fun and entertain the crowd.
When you're competing, you need to be selfish. You need to think of yourself first.
I learnt to swim at the age of four or five. My parents took me to a club where you go from learning to swim to competing.
The ability to hold two competing thoughts in one's mind and still be able to function is the mark of a superior mind
There is so much more demand for Formula One than it can supply. You have governments investing in circuits all over the world, and the private sector sometimes has a tough time competing with that.
I knew I wanted to fight. It's a great way to continue competing and not to mention actually make money. You can make a career out of it.
Nations have the wrong granularity. They’re too small to be global and too big to be local, and all they can think about is competing.
It's a lot of hard work, competing and not giving up. I think you get more appreciated the older you get.
In our industry, there are so many competing companies and games, and they have people constantly out spying on competition. For example, Valve in Seattle tries to keep their location a secret.
I welcome Microsoft having a store on Windows; what I've always resisted was a push to close down Windows to competing stores.
One of the main techniques I used was focusing on the goal and visualising myself competing in the race before the race started.
The only thing I want to think about the moments before a race is competing. I don't want the little things to distract me.
The book industry is all about community, and it never really feels like anyone is competing against anyone, thankfully.
I just got to keep competing and keep believing.
Religious beliefs evolved by group-selection, tribe competing against tribe, and the illogic of religions is not a weakness but their essential strength.
What is the point of competing for a trophy if everyone gets a trophy?
What you did was live on very little. I think all of us that were competing - Bill is the same way - you don't need much to live.
The principle is competing against yourself. It's about self-improvement, about being better than you were the day before.
For me, the Premier League is full of quality, and the clubs competing at the top are the same who compete at the top of Europe every year.
I like my life. I like competing, but it's not just because of the money.
Over the years, autism has almost been a diagnosis in the eye of the beholder, which allows for all kinds of arguments and dissension and theories and competing therapies to come into play.
For decades, American companies, large and small, have been competing with one hand tied behind their backs thanks to our unfair, outdated tax code.
The chances of Israeli science competing with big American science are small. For almost 15 years, we had no competition.
Not wishing to be disturbed over moral issues of the political economy, Americans cling to the notion that the government is a sort of automatic machine, regulated by the balancing of competing interests.
The power of the American system of republicanism lies in its capacity to allow religious belief to be a competing, not a controlling, factor in American life.
You cannot build a company or manage a life by chasing others; you have to find your success competing against yourself. There will always be a bigger fish.
In the draft you always have a special bond and connection, especially if you have one that goes right after you, so it's kind of always, I guess everybody thinks you're competing.
Philanthropic leaders genially speak of complementing government, not competing with it as if monopoly were good and competition destructive-thus unwittingly conspiring against the public interest.
TSG is competing with Middle East, East Asia and Europe in offering prices that are either lower or at par with these markets.
The advanced societies of the future will not be governed by reason. They will be driven by irrationality, by competing systems of psychopathology.
Back when I was competing I had a lot of fans wanting my autograph, wanting to take my picture, but nothing like what my son is dealing with.
We're trying to be that franchise that year-in and year-out is competing for a championship.
Identity politics preaches a splintering of one large, collaborative group into competing vindictive ones - resulting in new, angry tribes whose central thesis is to not cooperate.
I loved playing every sport. Soccer, water polo, horses. Whatever. I just loved it - especially competing against my brothers.
I've never been competing with rappers about who's the best rapper. I've been making songs that people like.
The main thing for a gymnast is total concentration while competing. At such moments one has to put everything else behind. I know that other gymnasts can do so with a smile, but I can't. And I don't even try to.
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