Top 1200 Cover Girl Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Cover Girl quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I believe in advancing the story with the cover so that the audience gets taken in immediately with that cover.
I have one mascara that I use religiously, and I refuse to try anything else, and if they discontinued it I would probably cry. Cover Girl lash blast, in the orange tube.
I'm into a casual-dressing girl: blue jeans and a tank top is super sexy. But the sexiest thing on a girl - when I see it I'm like, oh my God - is these little tight boxers. Don't get me wrong, g-strings are fine, but those cover a little, to where it's just enough.
As a model, I didn't have an identity; I was a chameleon, a silent actress. I was an amorphous thing. I wasn't full of personality, I was full of solitude and solemnity. I wasn't a cover-girl type.
I'd had a relationship with a French girl, a Japanese girl, an American girl, a Filippina and she was there all the time - a Lancashire girl. I thought: 'It's a Lancashire girl I was looking for. Why didn't I realize it?
The best AC/DC cover I've heard? There was an all-girl cover band in America, the Hell's Belles. — © Angus Young
The best AC/DC cover I've heard? There was an all-girl cover band in America, the Hell's Belles.
We put this 15-year old girl on the cover of a fashion magazine, and tell everyone she is the epitome of sexual perfection, but we jail anyone who touches her for another three years.
I don't usually try to rely on songs to woo a girl, but I think Coldplay can get a girl in the mood... or make her cry, one or the other. I used to play in cover bands; we sure did our fair share of Coldplay. I like 'Viva La Vida.'
A theory is scientific only if it can be disproved. But the moment you try to cover absolutely everything the chances are that you cover nothing.
You are hearing this song, and you're 16, and it's a song about love, or a girl. And then maybe there's a girl at school that you like. So you're going to be thinking about that girl. That song is sort of about that girl. The songwriter doesn't know that girl, obviously. He wrote it for something else. But there's the specific meaning with the universal again.
When my 'Scientific American' arrives every month, I read it cover to cover.
I watched a little girl cover her face up and leave her hands in front of her mouth. I saw that girl after surgery, and she was smiling... that's a great source of satisfaction.
After a while, if you are sufficiently bored or unemployed, you may want to read it from cover to cover.
I'm proud to be a railway modeler. It means more to me to be on the cover of Model Railroader than to be on the cover of a music magazine.
They offered me one cover about 10 years ago, and I said, no, I can't do it. I'm happy to cover up now.
Everybody thinks I'm this delicate little girl. But you can't tell a book by it's cover.' To which she added a momentary smile. — © Haruki Murakami
Everybody thinks I'm this delicate little girl. But you can't tell a book by it's cover.' To which she added a momentary smile.
Be that strong girl that everyone knew would make it through the worst, be that fearless girl, the one who would dare to do anything, be that independent girl who didn’t need a man; be that girl who never backed down.
Let righteousness cover the earth like the water cover the sea!
I started when I was really young. I was playing with my dad when I was 8 or 9, and I started playing shows then. I had a short stint in a DIY all-girl punk cover band.
It doesn't matter how good the enemy's weapons are. If he can't see you, he can't hit you. Cover, cover, cover. Make sure you're never exposed.
I was with Roy Thomas on a panel and he turned to me and said, "You know, your name is on the cover a magazine every month." I said, "Really?" He pulled out a copy of "Destroyer," and said, "If you cover up the DEST you've got Royer on the cover every month."
In 1990, when they asked me to shoot a cover for 'British Vogue' to convey my personal vision of a woman, I explained that I couldn't just photograph one single girl, because what I was looking for was a new purpose, and new feminine determination.
For 10 years, I'd been told I was always going to be a catalogue girl, never a cover girl. Well, I got with IMG and did five covers in a year, boom, boom, boom.
It's every girl's dream to be a cover girl!
There was a mission: To match the cover of 'Extraordinary' to the cover of the paperback 'Impossible,' which was commercially successful. Consider the outdoor natural setting, the single girl in motion with her hair blowing, and the cursive font used for the title; both covers have these in common.
I told my mom, 'I'm not buying another magazine until I can get past this thought of looking like the girl on the cover'. She said, "Miley, you are the girl on the cover,' and I was, like, 'I know, but I don't feel like that girl every day.' You can't always feel perfect.
I have been on the cover of Time magazine. My father was on the cover of Time, and my grandfather was on the cover of Time.
It's pretty shocking that the guys in Europe who cover traditional media will cover Google, whereas in the U.S., there are five different equity analysts that will cover the internet universe.
I wanted to do something risque in 2012 and that's when the thought of being a Playboy cover girl crossed my mind.
Every individual ought to know at least one poet from cover to cover: if not as a guide through the world, then as a yardstick for the language.
I'm always tan and blonde and don't really fit into New York. I'm a California girl, even if I try and cover it up with leather.
I've always been down to try out new things, but I was more of a jeans girl at age 17. I didn't want to show my legs. Now, I'm a dress-shirt girl, a shorts girl, a jeans girl, an overalls girl - I'll wear anything!
I don't care what you cover the seats with as long as you cover them with assholes.
When you're editor-in-chief of a big magazine, you cannot be a cover girl for MAC; you cannot be the face of Givenchy - of course you can't; it's doesn't go with the job.
This guy, when I met him he was 47 years old, he'd just come out of a divorce and he was, you know, very desirable. He had every Cosmo cover girl and undercover girl. They were just coming out of his ears. Baking cakes on his doorstep, one in the back door, one on the roof, one waiting in the basement, another in the elevator. So I know I have to keep an eye on him.
It's not the matter you cover so much as it is the manner in which you cover it.
I found a discarded textbook on calculus in a wastebasket and read it from cover to cover.
The funny thing is I'm actually really insecure. I have a lot of girl issues - 'I'm not pretty enough,' 'I'm not skinny enough' - but there is a confidence I have in what I can do. I did tend to overcompensate to cover up other insecurities that I have.
In a magazine, one can get - from cover to cover - 15 to 20 different ideas about life and how to live it.
What is written beneath this heavy handsome book cover will count, so sayeth this cover.
I believe the Bible is the word of God from cover to cover. — © Billy Sunday
I believe the Bible is the word of God from cover to cover.
I already know Cover 3, Cover 2, everything else. But it's a lot of times, defenses try to take you away and they do certain things that you wouldn't be ready for.
I cover media people the way they cover politicians.
Imagine a music business where all the music press talked about, all day long, was cover bands of old rock and pop groups. Beatles cover bands, Rolling Stones cover bands, The Who cover bands, Led Zeppelin cover bands. Cover bands, cover bands, everywhere you go.
It's every girl's dream to be a cover girl!
I hadn't done a photo cover in a while, and I decided to do a take on the 'Pin Ups' cover, but do it in skull face and have the girl in skull face. People seem to dig it.
So if we cover [Donald Trump] the same way, let's say "The Kelly File," we cover him the same way we cover Barack Obama, the same amount, the same skeptical eye, he's going to be fine with that.
I've read the Bible before, a couple of times cover to cover.
I didn't like my hair and makeup one time on a photo shoot, and my publicist told me, 'You should just be happy with it - they haven't had a black girl on the cover since forever.' She's no longer my publicist.
I think of myself as a cover girl. But I would never do some kind of cheesy magazine.
Deep down inside, I'm really a black girl stuck in a Mexican girl's body. But I'm also in touch with my inner white girl and my inner Asian girl. I feel like a little bit of everybody.
Answered prayers cover the field of providential history as flowers cover western prairies. — © Theodore L. Cuyler
Answered prayers cover the field of providential history as flowers cover western prairies.
In life,there are only four kinds of girls: The girl who played with fire. The girl who opened Pandora's Box. The girl who gave Adam the apple. And the girl whose best friend stole her boyfriend.
Sometimes people look at our covers and say, "That looks just like that other cover." I say, "And?" It reminds them of a cover from way back when. If you know the cover, then pull it out and compare it. I don't care. It's supposed to bring back memories.
I was in a Led Zeppelin cover band in high school, and my highlight was playing "Misty Mountain Hop" at a coffee house in Wayne, Pennsylvania. I wasn't allowed to play any instruments; I could only be the singer because I was a girl.
I read this book when I was young. It's about a black girl growing up in Heaven, Ohio. The cover has a black girl with clouds behind her. It was the first book cover I ever saw with a girl that looked like me.
I'll cover you in flowers someday, Julie-girl.
I abandoned my religious teachings after I read the Bible twice - cover to cover. It took me a couple of years.
I'd had a relationship with a French girl, a Japanese girl, an American girl, a Filippina and she was there all the time - a Lancashire girl. I thought: 'It's a Lancashire girl I was looking for. Why didn't I realize it?'
When I was a teenager, I read the bible cover-to-cover, and I found the Old Testament, it's a pretty bloody history book.
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