Top 334 Disappoint Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Disappoint quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
What really helps motivate me to walk are my dogs, who are my best pals. They keep you honest about walking because when it's time to go, you can't disappoint those little faces.
Advent increases our hope, a hope which does not disappoint. The Lord never lets us down.
You are so lame. You always disappoint me. It's kind of like our running joke but it's really not funny and I just want you to live up to the image of you I create.
She's been around so long and she doesn't disappoint ever. Gaga also thinks out of the box and that's what the best artists do. — © Ava Max
She's been around so long and she doesn't disappoint ever. Gaga also thinks out of the box and that's what the best artists do.
I don't have expectations with people, but I have very high standards for myself. The only time I get disappointed in life is when I disappoint myself.
If I disappoint someone, it's their loss for putting that expectation on me when they don't know me. I can't control what they want.
The reason I play so hard is that somewhere out there is some kid who has never seen me play before, and I don't want to disappoint him.
I'm nervous about everything I do with Africa. You almost want it to go good all the time, and you don't want to disappoint.
It is a lonely existence to be a child with a disability which no-one can see or understand, you exasperate your teachers, you disappoint your parents, and worst of all you know that you are not just stupid.
Nobody wants to disappoint the boss and get fired. But if the boss hasn't said this is important, it's going to die a slow death in bureaucracy and that explains a lot of the problems.
You have no idea what it is like to constantly disappoint people. You see it the moment you meet them. You see in their eyes that they expected something so entirely different, and here they are meeting... you.
You are loved by the One who knows you best. God's love will never disappoint you and never give up on you.
You have no idea what it is like to constantly disappoint people. You see it the moment you meet them. You see in their eyes that they expected something so entirely different, and here they are meeting you.
Obviously most of the western world has an image of Jesus in their minds, [and] I'm pretty sure I don't fit that many. You always know if you take on that role, you're going to disappoint a lot of people in the process. I did my best.
Dead people can be our heroes because they can't disappoint us later; they only improve over time, as we forget more and more about them. — © Veronica Roth
Dead people can be our heroes because they can't disappoint us later; they only improve over time, as we forget more and more about them.
Your experiences will be yours alone. But truth and best friendship will rarely if ever disappoint you.
Often, I think that my brothers were the reason I didn't do something really stupid in my teenage years; I didn't want to disappoint them. Even though was I was pretty committed to disappointing everybody else.
I love women. I actually prefer girls, as a parent, because they disappoint at a different age. They go through that, "Dad's an idiot," which lasted a little longer than I'd like.
There's this weird thing going on where people think they've worked you out as a certain type of person, but probably better for them if they don't put me in a box, because if they do I am going to disappoint.
Even when I was Archbishop of Wales and working with new bishops, I used to say, not realising quite how true it was, 'One of the things you will do as a bishop is disappoint people'.
Mother's Day, like motherhood itself, is fraught with peril. There are so many ways to get it wrong, so many opportunities to disappoint and be disappointed.
For those who turn to literary biography for salacious details, 'Flannery' will disappoint. It is the biography of someone who had very little chance to live in the conventional sense, to experience events.
Some people change. Most people don't. Accepting this makes it much harder for them to disappoint you.
You don't want to disappoint your mama, for that main fact that she's going to get on your behind.
People that have been interested in our work for awhile... those are the last people you want to disappoint.
Sometimes, the people we invest the most time in disappoint us the most.
From a distance, it makes perfect sense that the people and the things you think will save you are the very ones that have the power to disappoint you most bitterly, but up close it can hit you as a bewildering surprise.
Rise early. Write. Disappoint your sons. Read the newspaper. Go to bed early. Success.
There's only one way to make a beginning, and that is to begin; and begin with hard work, and patience, prepared for all the disappoint­ment s.
Josie, life is not a Mills and Boon book. People fall out of love. People disappoint other people and they find it very hard to forgive.
Any leaders who disappoint the people, ideals and promises by which they were appointed are by definition themselves dis-appointed.
I couldn't disappoint people. I did not want to fail and exhaust myself, because I was the kind of runner who trained so little that I couldn't race again within another 10 days.
We all like each other. I know people ask us that, and I hate to disappoint them, but we get along great and we enjoy playing with one another, and what can I say? I'm as surprised as anyone else.
Well, it's a - I don't want to disappoint you, but it's a time worn tradition of Australian Governments over many years not to get into any discussion about that aspect of intelligence matters.
I think the character of Superman may be the greatest fictional creation of modern times, and working on the book is for me a sacred trust. I'm just doing my best not to disappoint!
We are all musicians, and we're not really good musicians. But we have this gracious gift that has been bestowed on us, and we don't want to disappoint. So I guess our biggest fear would be, just giving up.
My parents were my heroes and my role models. So I thought long and hard over decisions that I would make because I never wanted to disappoint them and break their hearts.
When you hang on a little too long, you disappoint your fans, and deep, deep down inside, you're disappointing yourself, and that's the part that hurts you the most.
If you're going to call a book 'The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History,' readers will expect some serious carrying on about race, and Thomas Woods Jr. does not disappoint.
I find I very rarely live up to my words. And since you know me primarily through my words, there are oh so many ways I can disappoint. — © David Levithan
I find I very rarely live up to my words. And since you know me primarily through my words, there are oh so many ways I can disappoint.
I think good things are happening to me and will continue. I am not optimistic about the rest of the species, but I'm so blessed, it's almost scary. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I have a wildly sunny disposition. I love to laugh.
Impious! forbear thus the first general hail. To disappoint, Increase and multiply, To shed thy blossoms thro' the desert air, And sow thy perish'd offspring in the winds.
I have white hair now, but a lot of it, and I'm still very glamorous, and so I won't disappoint, I hope! I'll still be wearing the tight leather trousers and high-heel boots, regardless of what age!
Don't die old, die empty. That's the goal of life. Go to the cemetery and disappoint the graveyard.
When your mother is made out of your dreams, anything real is bound to disappoint you.
But humans disappoint. Adam, in tasting the fruit, indicates that he prefers Eve to God, so God banishes them.
That's true, you don't want to let anybody down and here are millions of people who've been waiting for their favorite characters to be brought to life and you don't want to disappoint.
With my work in 'Mardaani' being well-received, I am more aware than ever that I have to keep the game up. I don't want to disappoint myself as an actor first and let my audience down.
I know that the only reason American landscapes sometimes disappoint me is that, just a century before I was born, the great rivers and prairies and wild forests still existed. And they were sublime.
I've known Greg Berlanti from way back. I've done two shows with him, and both times, he was like, 'I've got something good for you,' and they did not disappoint. — © Tom Cavanagh
I've known Greg Berlanti from way back. I've done two shows with him, and both times, he was like, 'I've got something good for you,' and they did not disappoint.
There are times when people that you put in those positions make mistakes, they disappoint you, you lose their - you lose your confidence in them, or they lie to you. And when you find that out, the test of leadership is what do you do?
Paris by day, Paris by night, the most visited city in the world, will never disappoint you, but be sure to get off the beaten tracks.
In life, you can't regret anything because it's called opportunities that you pass. You're the only one that can take the opportunity but you disappoint yourself with the decision of doing or not doing.
Ultimately I'm making movies because of the producers and I don't want to disappoint my producer. It's always a tough balance to figure out how far I listen to them though.
Great God, I ask thee for no meaner pelf Than that I may not disappoint myself, That in my action I may soar as high As I can now discern with this clear eye.
Love God and He will enable you to love others even when they disappoint you.
Chocolate, coffee, and ice cream were far more reliable when it came to providing a good time, and at least they would never disappoint me.
It seemed wrong to look forward to watching a man cut his arm off, and especially weird having dined at a carvery before going to the cinema, but Danny Boyle's '127 Hours' didn't disappoint.
I always seemed to disappoint them. They expected me to be different than Henry or exactly like Henry. I was neither.
Any film featuring Bradley Cooper's gorgeous blue eyes is automatically on my must-see list and they did not disappoint in 'The Words,' which is so intense and confusing that I was pretty lost by the end!
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