Top 1200 Discovering The World Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Discovering The World quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Reason we call that faculty innate in us of discovering laws and applying them with thought.
With Spotify, I think people are discovering a lot of artists they might not discover otherwise.
Meeting someone who likes what I've made is like discovering a brother or sister. — © Andrew W.K.
Meeting someone who likes what I've made is like discovering a brother or sister.
I'm always down to switch up my scents and love discovering new products.
The thrill I got discovering Buster Keaton when I was growing up was so exciting. He was one of the greats.
I'm always very interested in going and discovering a young director's films.
By nature and doctrines I am addicted to the habit of discovering choice places wherein to feed.
Ours is the task of discovering that our true nature has nothing to fear.
Nothing should so occupy the mind of the Christian than discovering God each day.
Discovering the 'impossible' ending to a new book makes me sick with joy and relief.
If you chuck away too many things, you end up discovering there was value in them.
I think the excitement of movies is discovering stuff you weren't expecting, and I hope to preserve that.
When you teach a child something you take away forever his chance of discovering it for himself. — © Jean Piaget
When you teach a child something you take away forever his chance of discovering it for himself.
As a teenager, you're still discovering who you are, what your life is about, and who you want to be as a person. It's very intense.
We are discovering what the universe is really like, and it is totally magnificent, and one can only be inspired and awestruck by what we find.
When one writes, there’s the double horror of discovering not only what it is that one so fears but also the triviality of that fear.
I have never restricted myself to my strengths and abilities, as they are unlimited, and I am still discovering them.
Discovering new species is a passion. A day without collecting plants is painful for me.
All the truths of mathematics are linked to each other, and all means of discovering them are equally admissible.
This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.
People have a reservoir of talent worth discovering. They just have to be given the opportunity to discover it in themselves
The act of discovering who we are will force us to accept that we can go further than we think.
The truth can set us free, but only if we're always in the process of discovering it.
I don't ever take credit for discovering anybody, except for McLovin on 'Superbad'.
Zen is a way of liberation, concerned not with discovering what is good or bad or advantageous, but what is.
For me, writing is more a process of discovering the book than planning it.
I enjoyed like nothing else working in pure math, discovering new formulas.
Doing a documentary is about discovering, being open, learning, and following curiosity.
It's the best thing, when you are in a creative space, discovering something and being enamored with it and excited by it.
The great obstacle to discovering the shape of the earth, the continents, and the oceans was not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge.
From Japan to Thailand, I keep discovering amazing talent, cuisine and food markets.
Writing's another expression of art, really, that I'm just kind of discovering as I go.
What they don't teach you in art school is how your whole life is about discovering who you already were.
Happiness is discovering the prune juice your doctor ordered you to drink has fermented.
In ethics, we don't make progress by discovering pre-existent truths; we do so by solving problems.
I have one thing in common with the emerging black nations of Africa: We both have voices, and we are discovering what we can do with them.
Knowing oneself is not so much a question of discovering what is present in one's self, but rather the creation of who one wants to be.
You have to treat yourself like a mushroom to some degree, in order to keep on discovering things. — © Christian Bale
You have to treat yourself like a mushroom to some degree, in order to keep on discovering things.
We don't become heroes overnight." - One step at a time, eventually discovering we have the strength to stare it down.
It was like discovering that some part of you wasn't yours at all. And it made me wonder what else I couldn't claim.
There is perhaps nothing worse than reaching the top of the ladder and discovering that you’re on the wrong wall.
There isn't, unfortunately, any way of discovering whether you can write a publishable novel except by writing it.
I went to Baltimore School of the Arts, which is known for discovering Tupac and Jada Pinkett-Smith.
Younger people are discovering my work, even though my reggae is not like theirs.
Discovering I'm gay just sort of happened much later in life.
I worry about scientists discovering that lettuce has been fattening all along.
Victory doesn't lie in taming our nature but in progressively discovering and revealing more of it.
What scientists are attached to is journeys into the unknown and discovering things that are completely unexpected and baffling and surprising. — © Brian Cox
What scientists are attached to is journeys into the unknown and discovering things that are completely unexpected and baffling and surprising.
The Element is about discovering your self, and you can't do this if you're trapped in a compulsion to conform. You can't be yourself in a swarm.
Death is profoundly meaningful. Discovering what it is in itself we will know the secret of life.
We are not slow at discovering the selfishness of others; for this plain reason--because it clashes with our own.
Being clear of clutter is one of the greatest aids I know to discovering and manifesting the life you want.
We could focus our efforts on discovering solutions that work uniquely for us.
When people come in the door and they have something, discovering and exploring the character is a real joy.
There's a lot of ways someone can grow up, but one way is discovering your parents are not all they say they are.
Unless you go on discovering new applications of the law of nonviolence, you do not profit by it.
Like a child exploring the attic of an old house on a rainy day, discovering a trunk full of treasure and then calling all his brothers and sisters to share the find, Richard J. 'Foster has 'found' the spiritual disciplines that the modern world has stored away and forgot, and has excitedly called us to celebrate them. For they are, as he shows us, the instruments of joy, the way into mature Christian spirituality and abundant life.
If God exists He must be manifest somehow in matter, and His ways are what science is discovering.
If we rejoice in the acts of God without discovering His ways, we'll question who He is when He doesn't do what we've asked.
I try to make my clothing line an entry point for discovering the substance of the rest of my work.
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