Top 1200 Dying Of Boredom Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Dying Of Boredom quotes.
Last updated on October 27, 2024.
Covid is not dying because of overcrowding. In fact, is going to grow.
America is not dying because of the strength of humanism but the weakness of evangelism.
I want to be a poet, from head to toe, living and dying by poetry. — © Federico Garcia Lorca
I want to be a poet, from head to toe, living and dying by poetry.
To want fame is to prefer dying scorned than forgotten.
If you have intercourse you run the risk of dying and the ramifications of death are final.
Don't ask others to forgive in you a sin they're dying to commit themselves.
The newspaper is dying. I'm not sure there will be newspapers and its one business I'd never be in.
If I was still at school, I'd be looking at Britney Spears and dying to be her.
The creative process requires a period of boredom, of being stuck. That's actually a very uncomfortable period that a lot of people mistake for writer's block, but it's actually just part one of a long process.
You have to write a book because you believe it has helped you, because you believe it has helped others personally and you are dying to share with it others because you know it will add value to their lives. You write it for them like a gift. You don't want anything from them. You don't want them to do anything for you. You don't even care if they all share the book with their friends, they don't all have to buy them. You're just dying to share this idea with people. Your challenge is to write it in a way that is compelling, enjoyable to read so that they will get the idea.
It is apparent that nations cannot exist for us. They are the playthings of children, such toys as children break from boredom and weariness. The branch of a tree is my country. My freedom sleeps in a mulberry bush. My country is in the shivering legs of a little lost dog.
I fell in love with the piano. I knew it was me. I was dying to play.
These are the Seven Deadly Sins: Avarice, Envy, Pride, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Sloth. These are the seven deadly sins: venality, paranoia, insecurity, excess, carnality, contempt, boredom.
The dying process begins the minute we are born, but it accelerates during dinner parties. — © Carol Grace
The dying process begins the minute we are born, but it accelerates during dinner parties.
In many cases when a reader puts a story aside because it 'got boring,' the boredom arose because the writer grew enchanted with his powers of description and lost sight of his priority, which is to keep the ball rolling.
If the novel is dying, I see no chance that dismembering it will revive it.
The world is eaten up by boredom. You can't see it all at once. It is like dust. You go about and never notice, you breathe it in, you eat and drink it. It is sifted so fine, it doesn't even grit on your teeth. But stand still for an instant and there it is, coating your face and hands.
Single people slip out of the dating market for many social, economic, psychological, and ideological reasons including marriage, illness, bankruptcy, job promotion, exhaustion, and common sense. Inevitably, however, they return because of divorce, boredom, loneliness, and memory loss.
Nothing's worse than saying goodbye. It's a little like dying.
I have a very low regard for cynics. I think it's the beginning of dying.
I'm dying to experiment with roles and touch new realms of cinema.
In the view of the fact that nature is dying, political developments are of secondary importance.
Love is like a dying ember, only memories remain.
There are ways of dying that don't end in funerals. Types of death you can't smell.
Death is never easy when you know the people doing the dying.
In a truly heroic life there is no peradventure. It is always doing or dying.
If it's peace you find in dying, well then let the time be near.
In this world you're either growing or you're dying so get in motion and grow.
Everything is about them, not the dying boys and girls in the arena.
There is something worse than dying, and that is humiliation - at least so it seemed to me.
The newspaper is dying. I'm not sure there will be newspapers and its one business I'd never be in
Dying is the most important moment that exists in any incarnation
And yes, to answer you seriously, I am beginning to be... well, not bored, but tempted; afraid, but tempted. When you've been in pain for a long time, when you wake up every morning with a rising sense of hysteria, then boredom is what you want, marathon sleeps, a silence in yourself.
I'm still mad at Josh Charles for dying on 'The Good Wife.'
Manifestly, dying is nothing to a really great and brave man.
Oh for craps sake. You're not dying again, are you? It's seriously inconvenient when you do that." -Aphrodite
Beloved Renegade is a meditation on Walt Whitman, on tenderness, on dying.
I wanted to make good records. But my problem is I've got a low boredom threshold, so I wanted it to look and sound different with each album, which is really tantamount to suicide, cause people lose it, they lose it - they say: 'I like that, and that's not this.'
Why was everyone dying? They had all been so alive just yesterday. — © Yoko Ogawa
Why was everyone dying? They had all been so alive just yesterday.
Topographically the country is magnificent - and terrifying. Why terrifying? Because nowhere else in the world is the divorce between man and nature so complete. Nowhere have I encountered such a dull, monotonous fabric of life as here in America. Here boredom reaches its peak.
I don't have thoughts of an afterlife. I think dying is like when you swat a fly - it's over.
The dying sun will glow on you without burning, as it has done today.
A man’s dying is more the survivors’ affair than his own.
I like my food dry. Not sick, not even dying, dead.
The old-fashioned respect for the young is fast dying out.
What could you say to a dying person that would not enrage by its triviality?
As I say I don't want to kill myself, I just wouldn't mind dying.
I did 50 takes on Robert Shaw assembling the Greener Gun on 'Jaws.' The shark wasn't working, so I just kept shooting to make the production report look like we were accomplishing something and to keep cast and crew from going crazy from boredom. It was a strategic indulgence.
I do not want to criticize while my soldiers are still bleeding and dying in Iraq. — © Eric Shinseki
I do not want to criticize while my soldiers are still bleeding and dying in Iraq.
I've no problem with dying my hair for a role. But in real life, forget it!
I'd be a butterfly; living a rover, Dying when fair things are fading away.
My men have suffered greatly (from boredom), much blood has been shed (by mosquitoes), and I have swung my ax mightily (chopping firewood). Surely we have earned our place in the annals of history—for never has there been so little war in a war.
I want to make sure that nobody's dying on the streets when I'm president.
When Death doth close his tender dying eyes.
This concept of turning dying into flying is a metaphor for my basic life principle.
I should not really object to dying were it not followed by death.
If people are not afraid of dying, why threaten them with death?
...Though drowned was just as dead as any other way of dying.
Everyone's dying. A little, every day. Make it count.
At any age we must cherish illusions, consolatory or merely pleasant; in youth, they are omnipresent; in old age we must search for them, or even invent them. But with all that, boredom is their natural and inevitable accompaniment.
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