Top 1200 Earthly Desires Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Earthly Desires quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
The slot machines sit there like young courtesans, promising pleasures undreamed of, your deepest desires fulfilled, all lusts satiated.
Do not seek earthly glory in any matter, for it is extinguished for him who loves it. In its time it blows on a man like a strong wind, and then quickly, taking from him the fruits of his good works, it goes away from him, laughing at his foolishness.
You should have only one intense desire within yourself:  Have I become the spirit? Have I achieved my ultimate? Have I risen above the worldly desires? — © Nirmala Srivastava
You should have only one intense desire within yourself: Have I become the spirit? Have I achieved my ultimate? Have I risen above the worldly desires?
The very voices of the night, sounding like the moan of the tempest, may turn out to be the disguised yet tender voices of God, calling away from all earthly footsteps, to mount with greater singleness of eye and ardor of aim the alone ladder of safety and peace - upward, onward, heavenward, homeward.
Piety practiced in solitude, like the flower that blooms in the desert, may give its fragrance to the winds of heaven, and delight those unbodied spirits that survey the works of God and the actions of men; but it bestows no assistance upon earthly beings, and however free from taints of impurity, yet wants the sacred splendor of beneficence.
It's only with that absolute humility and purity that you can make friends with God; because, otherwise, you're just too busy with all your desires.
I say things that can be defined as prayers. But I don't pray to a power or ask an entity to intercede in the earthly scheme, because I don't believe that happens. But if I see a really unfortunate person in the street, I do pray, yes, though I suppose it's really more like a mantra to ease my own sorrow.
Our basic fundamental desires are overly stimulated. A friend of mine said, "you have a generation of people that have been accidentally marketed to."
If a child finds no stimuli for the activities which would contribute to his development, he is attracted simply to 'things' and desires to posses them.
The lust of the flesh directs these desires [of personal union], however, to satisfaction of the body, often at the cost of a real and full communion of persons.
An intense anticipation itself transforms possibility into reality; our desires being often but precursors of the things which we are capable of performing.
Superfluous money buys wasted time, propelling desires that otherwise lay buried beneath the feet of honest toil.
We have but to remember man's natural tendency to satisfy his desires with the minimum of effort to realize how political power will be utilized. — © Frank Chodorov
We have but to remember man's natural tendency to satisfy his desires with the minimum of effort to realize how political power will be utilized.
Good literature always ends up showing those who read it... the inevitable limitation of all power to fulfill human aspirations and desires.
Character refers to dispositions and habits that determine the way that person normally responds to desires, fears, challenges, opportunities, failures and successes.
In our Richmond there is much fanaticism, but chiefly among the women. They have their night meetings and prayer parties, where, attended by their priests, and sometimes by a hen-pecked husband, they pour forth the effusions of their love to Jesus, in terms as amatory and carnal, as their modesty would permit them to use a mere earthly lover.
By annihilating the desires, you annihilate the mind. Every man without passions has within him no principle of action, nor motive to act.
We're never going to satisfy the White House press corps and their desires for access. And I think there have been mistakes made in the past of trying to do that.
It appears that even the different parts of the same person do not converse among themselves, do not succeed in learning from each other what are their desires and their intentions.
An inner knowing, along with a burning desire, is the prerequisite for becoming a person capable of manifesting his or her heart's desires.
I am old enough to know that victory is often a thing deferred, and rarely at the summit of courage... What is at the summit of courage, I think, is freedom... the freedom that comes with the knowledge that no earthly thing can break you.
By reading the characteristic features of any man's castles in the air you can make a shrewd guess as to his underlying desires which are frustrated.
Music religious heat inspires, It wakes the soul, and lifts it high, And wings it with sublime desires, And fits it to bespeak the Deity.
He who desires to worship God must harbor no childish illusions about the matter but bravely renounce his liberty and humanity.
Within the mind there are no lies-no possibility of deceiving oneself; and yet, somehow we all manage to bypass the safety of truth in pursuit of dangerous desires.
Oh foolish desires of mortals! How weak are the reasons that lead us to not take off our flight from the ground.
...that one most perilous and long voyage ended, only begins a second; and a second ended, only begins a third, and so on, for ever and for aye. Such is the endlessness, yea, the intolerableness of all earthly effort.
Once more I realized to what an extent earthly happiness is made to the measure of man. It is not a rare bird which we must pursue at one moment in heaven, at the next in our minds. Happiness is a domestic bird found in our own courtyards.
The only thing required of you is to allow all your raging desires to relax into preferences. Then everything will be done through you and for you, not by you.
Sportsmanship is that quality of honor that desires always to be courteous, fair, and respectful, and it is interpreted in the conduct of players, spectators, coaches, and school authorities.
No more harmful nonsense exists than [the] common supposition that deepest insight into great questions about the meaning of life or the structure of reality emerges most readily when a free, undisciplined, and uncluttered (read, rather, ignorant and uneducated) mind soars above mere earthly knowledge and concern.
Woman wants monogamy; Man delights in novelty. Love is woman's moon and sun; Man has other forms of fun. Woman lives but in her lord; Count to ten, and man is bored. With this the gist and sum of it, What earthly good can come of it?
The pretended desires of many to behold the glory of Christ in heaven, who have no view of it by faith while they are here in this world, are nothing but self-deceiving imaginations.
I transcend earthly bounds. I never cease to amaze myself because I haven't yet found my limits. I am quite ready to accept the limits of what I can do, but every time I feel that way - boom! - God touches me and I do something that's even more stupendous than whatever I've done up to then.
I desire only to know the truth, and to live as well as I can...And, to the utmost of my power, I exhort all other men to do the same...I exhort you also to take part in the great combat, which is the combat of life, and greater than every other earthly conflict.
How I feel is that if I wanted anything I'd take it. That's what I've always thought all my life. But it happens that I want you, and so I just haven't room for any other desires.
In Dante the hero would rather flee and renounce the tempting embrace instead of yielding to his desires and enduring the attendant dangers.
I’ve lived to bury my desires, And see my dreams corrode with rust; Now all that’s left are fruitless fires That burn my empty heart to dust. — © Alexander Pushkin
I’ve lived to bury my desires, And see my dreams corrode with rust; Now all that’s left are fruitless fires That burn my empty heart to dust.
One may gain political and social independence, but if one is a slave to his passions and desires, one cannot feel the pure joy of real freedom
American politicians are responsive almost solely to the interests and desires of their rich constituents and interest groups that primarily represent big business.
Professional traders have always had some system or other based upon their experience and governed either by their attitude towards speculation or by their desires.
The denial of ourselves which Christ has so diligently commanded his disciples from the beginning will at last dominate all the desires of our heart.
One great difference between a wise man and a fool is, the former only wishes for what he may possibly obtain; the latter desires impossibilities.
...Everything that is, desires to be. As we act, we unfold our being. Enjoyment naturally follows, for a thing desired always brings delight.
Mathematics is good for the soul, getting things right enlivens a sense of truth, efforts to understand automatically purify desires.
Why is it that man desires to be made sad, beholding doleful and tragical things, which yet himself would by no means suffer?
The first arrival of earthly life on another celestial body ranks as an epochal event not only for our generation, but in the history of our planet. Neil Armstrong was at the cusp of the Apollo programme. This was a collective technological effort of epic scale, but his is the one name sure to be remembered centuries hence.
It's natural for humans to suppress urges, for when our desires are left unchecked they lead to broken relationships, prison time, and forest fires. — © Amy Sedaris
It's natural for humans to suppress urges, for when our desires are left unchecked they lead to broken relationships, prison time, and forest fires.
Anyone, then, who desires to live chastely in Christ Jesus, must flee not only the mouse of lust, but even from its very scent.
It is a mere illusion that, above a certain income, the personal desires will be satisfied and leave a wider margin for the generous impulse.
What a powerful thing to know: That one's own desires are mappable onto strangers; that what one finds in oneself will most certainly be found in The Other.
I am the flesh boat of my experiences, we all are , my feelings, thoughts, desires and dreams are captured in my body's pliant cells, fastened onto my DNA.
I write about this in The Last Temple, the early church knew that Christ has risen from the dead, and so they didn't live their lives with earthly vanities, but they lived their lives for eternal verities. And I think that if we might catch that enthusiasm and the reality of resurrection, we would live by a completely different standard as well.
Today, not a numerous, but an active part of the German people are beginning to realize, not that they have been led astray, not that bad times await them, not that the war may end in defeat, but that what is happening is sin and that they are personally responsible for each terrible deed that has been committed - naturally, not in the earthly sense, but as Christians.
I'm a woman of faith. And I really believe that if I say, 'God, this is what I want,' He says, 'I'll give you your desires, as long as they line up with My will.'
Happiness is just being you, where you are right now. Allow yourself to be you. Shut off all the silly thoughts and desires and crazy emotions
I shall consider human actions and desires in exactly the same manner, as though I were concerned with lines, planes and solids.
We have years to converse with someone, to blurt and rant, to explain our desires and anger and regrets - and oh how we squander those moments.
Though I am not endowed with an ear to seize those earthly harmonies, which to some devout souls have seemed, as it were, the broken echoes of the heavenly choir--I apprehend that there is a law in music, disobedience whereunto would bring us in our singing to the level of shrieking maniacs or howling beasts.
The secret of karma yoga which is to perform actions without any fruitive desires is taught by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita.
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