Top 1200 First Thing Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular First Thing quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I can remember tasting cheese and onion crisps when they first came on the market - they were the most amazing thing ever.
The average person in Hollywood just assumes that if you're on a hit TV show, then that's the first thing you've ever done.
Woke up, it was a Chelsea morning, and the first thing that I knew there was milk and toast and honey and a bowl of oranges, too. — © Joni Mitchell
Woke up, it was a Chelsea morning, and the first thing that I knew there was milk and toast and honey and a bowl of oranges, too.
Maybe that's why I don't like religion because the first introduction to it was, you don't get to do that thing you just discovered that you really enjoy.
I do yoga most mornings first thing when I have a little bit of time to myself, before the kids get up.
The first thing a man must do if he desires to be used in the Lord's work, is to make an unconditional surrender of himself to God.
I think every footballer, after 20 years playing football, the first thing that comes to your mind is to relax.
I know from personal experience, if a chef yelled at me in a kitchen, the first thing I'd want to do is hit them with a pot.
Things are revealed through the memories we have of them. Remembering a thing means seeing it only then for the first time.
A lot of young girls together is a romantic secret thing like the first sight of wild ducks at dawn.
the first thing I did when I made the decision to kill myself was to stop dieting. Let them dig a wider hole.
I think the first time I ever wore a tuxedo was when I played at the Talk Of The Town in 1967, because it was a nightclub and that was the thing to do.
I'm the first to admit this whole salary thing is getting out of control. In the final analysis, it's still about the work. — © Jim Carrey
I'm the first to admit this whole salary thing is getting out of control. In the final analysis, it's still about the work.
CBGB was a wild place, ... The first time I ever played there was in 1987, I think, with my hardcore band, Scream. And I remember the craziest [thing] about that club was you could be in front of the stage and it could be louder than any show you've ever been to in your life. But if you were towards the back of the club at the bar, you could sit and have a conversation with someone. It was the weirdest thing to me.
So the thing that bothered me most was that the condemned man had to hope the machine would work the first time.
Having a manicure pulls a look together. Hands are the first thing people see after your face.
The first time I put on the hijab, it felt weird, like I was wearing a scuba-diving suit kind of thing.
The thing is, I get asked when I first knew I wanted to act so often, and I genuinely can't answer it. It's just... I got the bug, and that's it.
If we're going to improve the environment, the first thing we should do is duck the government. The second thing we should do is quit being moral. Screw the rights of nature. Nature will have rights as soon as it get duties. The minute we see birds, trees, bugs, and squirrels picking up litter, giving money to charity, and keeping an eye on our kids at the park, we'll let them vote.
I want to take acting lessons first. But I'd love to find the right film, a 'Breakfast Club' kind of thing.
Thank God there is a such thing as hiatus. We got the first 'Dr. Horrible' done in six days, we banged it out.
I remember reading this thing that Elizabeth Taylor wrote. She had her first kiss in character. On a movie set. It really struck me. I don't know how or why, but I had this sense that if I wasn't really careful, that could be me. That my first kiss could be in somebody else's clothes. And my experiences could all belong to someone else.
For those looking outside-in, it's not fair - or accurate - to assign someone an identity based off the first thing that we see.
I remember when I got my first Adam Sandler CD and it was the funniest thing I'd ever heard in my entire life, and continues to be.
The first thing I think of when I wake up is how close I am to death. But then it gets better during the day.
We had so many friends who did the band thing, and one of their first moves was to go on tour, and they'd just blow all their money.
One thing is certain, wherever we go there is a proof that the people are keeping the commandments of the Lord, especially the first one -- to multiply and replenish the earth.
Usefulness! It is not a fascinating word, and the quality is not one of which the aspiring spirit can dream o' nights, yet on the stage it is the first thing to aim at.
That's the first thing they teach you in bowling, by the way. Don't press the ball against your nose. The other one is don't lick the pins.
"My #1 guiding principle for a successful life (learned from J Brad Britton): "Do the right thing; not the easy thing." Everyday, you are constantly faced with choices to do either the right thing (any activity that moves you closer to where and who you want to be) or the easy thing (anything else). In every moment of choice, choose to do the right thing over the easy thing, and your becoming successful is inevitable.
The only reason there's such a thing as a morning in the first place is to keep night and afternoon from bumping into each other. -Kheldar
When you go see a magic trick, the first thing you ask is, 'How do they do that.' That's what I hope the kids are saying when they leave the matches.
The strongest factor in conditioning is sex, in the sense that the first thing that a person is really taught is whether they are male or female.
As a healer, the first thing to tell every patient is to breathe deeply. Shallow breathing means no endurance, no patience.
The music is the same if you go all the way back to the first albums I made or the middle or whatever. The thing that's different is the lyrics.
Yes, the first draft is the key. That's why I put so much energy, focus, and attention on the first draft, because I respect that first go at the story. If I don't have the key in that first draft, I invariably won't get it in subsequent drafts, though I can craft around it.
I bet you don't know what is the first thing Little Leaguers always ask me, 'How much money do you make?'
My whole life, I've been watching conductors. I was 7 the first time I played with a conductor. Seeing the ones that do it well, it's an amazing thing. — © Joshua Bell
My whole life, I've been watching conductors. I was 7 the first time I played with a conductor. Seeing the ones that do it well, it's an amazing thing.
In America, the first thing we have to get rid of is entitlements for the wealthy, and at the same time, open up the economy to the disadvantaged.
I guess there are some things that are so gross you just have to forget, or it'll destroy something within you. Perl is the first such thing I have known.
The First Amendment does not extend to corporations. It's a U.S. government thing. Companies can shut speech down all they want. But the thing is this is destructive. This is discriminatory. And what they're telling themselves is they're making a much more peaceful environment. "We are creating a much more conducive and productive and peaceful environment," when they're not. They're suppressing opinion. They are inflicting their own world view and demanding that it be agreed with and acceded to. And if it's not, you get fired.
The first time I did a reading/signing thing at Cody's, the woman who did the introduction said something like that, and I wasn't the only one cringing. I remember looking out into the audience and seeing people's faces and people whispering to each other, and thinking like "Ugh, can we just cancel the whole thing? I can't go out there after she said that."
Without either the first or second amendment, we would have no liberty; the first allows us to find out what's happening, the second allows us to do something about it! The second will be taken away first, followed by the first and then the rest of our freedoms.
Yes, I was about seven when I started sewing. We were taught at school, and the first thing I made was a gathered skirt.
We approach markets backwards. The first thing we ask is not what can we make, but how much can we lose. We play a defensive game.
The first thing that bothers me after any celebrity death happens is that my phone starts buzzing for a bite.
Character shows itself apart from genius as a special thing. The first point of measurement of any man is that of quality.
For me, the first thing I do when I know I have to do the fastest skater is check my edges and make sure there's no nicks or anything like that. — © Connor McDavid
For me, the first thing I do when I know I have to do the fastest skater is check my edges and make sure there's no nicks or anything like that.
It is one thing to make a mistake, and quite another thing not to admit it. People will forgive mistakes, because mistakes are usually of the mind, mistakes of judgment. But people will not easily forgive the mistakes of the heart, the ill intention, the bad motives, the prideful justifying cover-up of the first mistake.
For the first six years of my career I was independent. I got on to a major and did my thing there. I had platinum and gold records and all that.
Poison is one of the first, if not the first, truly independent bands to sell 3 million copies of our first record. It was before we were with a big company.
The first time a student realizes that a little learning is a dangerous thing is when he brings home a poor report card.
I think that the first thing is you should have a strategic asset allocation mix that assumes that you don't know what the future is going to hold.
I think one of the things which always is forgotten in music class, is the first thing you have to do as a musician is you have to learn how to listen.
Skylar is my first name and Astin is my middle name, and my real last name is Lipstein. When I was 15, I think my first agent just kind of did it for me. I'm not ashamed, I'm not embarrassed, but she said it was just less specific to one thing and she kind of chopped it off. But forever to my friends I will be Skylar Lipstein.
Drink warm water with lemon first thing in the morning. It's a good way to detox and alkalize your body.
My favorite thing to wear from about first to third grade was a blue t-shirt with an iron-on monkey and the caption 'Here Comes Trouble.'
Just as you are unconsciously influenced by outside advertisement, announcement, and appeal, so you can vitally influence your life from within by auto-suggestion. The first thing each morning, and the last thing each night, suggest to yourself specific ideas that you wish to embody in your character and personality. Address such suggestions to yourself, silently or aloud, until they are deeply impressed upon your mind.
When we got married, the first thing my wife did was put everything under both names - hers and her mother's.
The alcoholism got me and I ruined my first marriage with drinking and the lying and the deceit and infidelity, and all of that. The whole bloody thing.
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