Top 1200 Freedom Of Speech And Expression Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Freedom Of Speech And Expression quotes.
Last updated on October 19, 2024.
Donald Trump has a curious understanding of what freedom of speech means.
Speech is protected in the U.S., and at the risk of repeating a hackneyed aphorism, free speech is worthless unless it applies to offensive speech. It is an American value, and one well worth protecting.
Freedom of speech gives you the right to stay silent. — © Neil Gaiman
Freedom of speech gives you the right to stay silent.
Freedom means the right to assemble, organize, and debate openly. It means not taking citizens away from their loved ones and jailing them, mistreating them, or denying them their freedom or dignity because of peaceful expression of their ideas and opinions.
The worst way to defend our freedom is to let our leaders start taking away our freedoms! It is exactly during times like these [a national crisis] that we need more freedom of speech, a strong and critical press, and a citizenry that is not afraid to stand up and say that the emperor has no clothes.
Free speech carries with it some freedom to listen.
It is easy to believe in freedom of speech for those with whom we agree.
There is nothing more wonderful than freedom of speech.
Creative freedom and self-expression is what MySpace is all about.
Every religion has its dignity ... in freedom of expression there are limits.
Freedom of speech wasn't won by being nice, it has been won by struggle with religion.
We need a free media, not just freedom of speech.
The First Amendment's language leaves no room for inference that abridgments of speech and press can be made just because they are slight. That Amendment provides, in simple words, that "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." I read "no law . . . abridging" to mean no law abridging.
Freedom of speech should be wide open as long as it doesn't incite violence. — © Mike Leach
Freedom of speech should be wide open as long as it doesn't incite violence.
My mum is an artist and very into creative expression and freedom.
Freedom of speech is about expressing your opinion, however bad or good, however right or wrong, and being able to defend it and argue it and be argued with about it in public forums. But that's not what academic freedom is about. That's not what the classroom is about.
All I care about is free speech and free expression; I want people to be able to be, do, and say anything.
I'm for the freedom of expression, given that it will be under strict control.
Most Arabs and Muslims feel that the United States hasn't really been paying much attention to their desires. They think it has been pursuing its policies for its own sake and not according to many of the principles that it claims are its own - democracy, self-determination, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, international law.
I would like people to remember that I kept the peace when I was president and I worked for peace, that I espoused human rights in its broadest definition, not only freedom of speech but freedom of assembly, freedom of worship and trial by jury but also the right of people for people to have a decent home to live, food to eat, employment, healthcare, self respect, dignity. So I think the broad gamut of human rights, peace and freedom. I would like to be remembered for those things to the degree that I deserve it and I still have a long way to go.
I will try exercise my freedom of speech by avoiding legalities.
Look at what's happening on campuses for free speech. They're literally, literally limiting what people can say, under the guise of preventing people from getting hurt feelings. They are limiting constitutionally protected speech to save people from being offended or hurt. And so, denying people freedom is portrayed as a wonderful thing. That's how the left seduce people.
Of what use is freedom of speech to those who fear to offend?
In a free state there should be freedom of speech and thought.
I won't stop making videos and exercising my freedom of speech.
We congratulate American freedom of speech and all who still believe in it.
Without freedom of speech, there is no modern world, just a barbaric one.
Gramophone and movies were merely the mechanization of speech and gesture. But the radio and TV were not just the electronification of speech and gesture but the electronification of the entire range of human personal expressiveness. With electronification the flow is taken out of the wire and into the vacuum tube circuit, which confers freedom and flexibility such as are in metaphor and in words themselves.
I absolutely believe that America has a responsibility, and the privilege of helping defend freedom and promote the principles that make the world more peaceful. And those principles include human rights, human dignity, free enterprise, freedom of expression, elections.
But wherever we are, we must all, in our daily lives, live up to the age-old faith that peace and freedom walk together. In too many of our cities today, the peace is not secure because freedom is incomplete." (John F. Kennedy, June 10, 1963, American University speech)
The delicate thought, that cannot find expression, For ruder speech too fair, That, like thy petals, trembles in possession, And scatters on the air.
It is the Soviet Union that runs against the tide of history . . . . [It is] the march of freedom and democracy which will leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash heap of history, as it has left other tyrannies which stifle the freedom and muzzle the self-expression of the people.
I wore a uniform to stand up for all rights and that means I don't pick or choose which I defend, whether it's for equality rights or women's rights. I've been consistent on that in my public life. I've also stood up for religious freedom, conscience rights of freedom of speech.
I certainly was one of the instigators in the 1960s of freedom of expression.
The freedom of expression cannot be defined selectively.
Freedom of choice and free speech without fear must be defended.
Freedom of speech is a great thing and we have said nothing that is not allowed.
The freedom of speech is an important yardstick for a society's level of civilization. — © Ai Weiwei
The freedom of speech is an important yardstick for a society's level of civilization.
Freedom of expression comes with responsibilities, especially when it comes with serious implications for peace.
We should silence anyone who opposes the right to freedom of speech.
I am not against freedom of speech, and I recognise the value of fair publication.
From a comparative perspective, the United States is unusual if not unique in the lack of restraints on freedom of expression. It is also unusual in the range and effectiveness of methods employed to restrain freedom of thought... Where the voice of the people is heard, elite groups must insure their voice says the right things.
When there is freedom of speech, I've found that the majority of people really have nothing to say.
We have a beautiful right in this country, which is freedom of speech.
Does freedom of speech give the right to offend?
I have grown up in a country where we are told that there is freedom of speech.
Obviously I'm 100-percent for freedom of expression.
You've heard that old expression from Shakespeare, 'Just speak the speech'? The words themselves will take you to the reality of the character. And so this led me to interview people.
Take away freedom of speech, and the creative faculties dry up. — © George Orwell
Take away freedom of speech, and the creative faculties dry up.
To deal with COVID-19, countries like India, Brazil, Jordan and Thailand are cutting press freedom and freedom of expression. In nations like Israel, South Korea and the U.S., intrusive surveillance has been imposed to track the movement of citizens, at the expense of human rights.
Which country is suffering from too much freedom of speech? Name it, is there one?
I feel the best way to ensure Americans' freedom is to tighten restrictions on that freedom in any way possible. Only through wiretaps, illegal searches and seizures, unfettered government intrusion, a controlled media and a complete crackdown on free speech can we ensure the liberties of all people.
It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.
I want freedom for the full expression of my personality.
It is not so much freedom of speech but the right to truth that great men protect.
It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
The most beautiful thing in the world is freedom of speech.
America is a country where they have freedom of speech but everyone says the same thing.
My company has no intention of deleting constitutionally protected hate speech. I feel the remedy for this type of speech is counter speech, and I'm certain that this is the view of the American justice system.
One certain effect of war is to diminish freedom of expression.
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