Top 1200 Independent Life Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Independent Life quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
I made these Sierra trips, carrying only a sackful of bread with a little tea and sugar, and was thus independent and free.
I was on 'The Shield' for a year before 'Crash' came out, and it was like doing an independent film every week.
The man who goes afoot, prepared to camp anywhere and in any weather, is the most independent fellow on earth. — © Horace Kephart
The man who goes afoot, prepared to camp anywhere and in any weather, is the most independent fellow on earth.
Fortunately, I was given an incredible foundation from my independent mother. She showed me what was possible from a strong, loving woman.
The beautiful thing about being independent and having my own label is I can say whatever the hell I want.
I'm a registered Independent. But my brother says it's obvious that I'm a Republican sympathizer. Once I get in the voting booth, it doesn't matter.
Ask me my influences, I always talk about Bjork and Beck because they're independent voices in the music industry.
The new independent spirit at Warner Music is a perfect fit for a stand-alone label like Maverick.
I do not want to see any of the people cringing supplicants for the favor of the Government, when they should all be independent masters of their own destiny.
Newspapers that are truly independent, like The Washington Post, can still aggressively investigate anyone or anything with no holds barred.
It should be remembered, as an axiom of eternal truth in politics, that whatever power in any government is independent, is absolute also.
I love the opportunity to do lots of different kinds of projects - independent films and big studio epics as well.
The development of general ability for independent thinking and judgment should always be placed foremost, not the acquisition of special knowledge. — © Albert Einstein
The development of general ability for independent thinking and judgment should always be placed foremost, not the acquisition of special knowledge.
To admit that there is any such thing as chance, in the common acceptation of the term, would be to attempt to establish a power independent of God.
We have more natural resources - coal, oil, wind - across the board not only to be energy independent but to be a leading exporter.
Cry down materialism all you will, surely one of the thoroughly satisfactory sensations of this world is to feel financially independent.
TAIL, n. The part of an animal's spine that has transcended its natural limitations to set up an independent existence in a world of its own.
Evolution is an inference from thousands of independent sources, the only conceptual structure that can make unified sense of all this disparate information.
Any materialist philosophy must take as its point of departure the existence of a material world that is independent of our minds.
I am not good wife material because I'm fiercely independent and like to go off and do my own thing.
Showing that you can be sexy, strong and independent is the best thing about being a Diva. It's a great inspiration for other people.
Mankind is not likely to salvage civilization unless he can evolve a system of good and evil which is independent of heaven and hell.
I am drawn to women who are independent and creative, which is problematic because it's a struggle, a competition of careers. There's jealousy.
The United States has grown into a remarkable nation specifically because of our independent spirit and free market.
Like all independent movies, the first thing you're looking for is a name actor who will justify your financing.
If you are concerned you are the victim of illegal corporate surveillance, you should seek specialist - and independent - legal advice at once.
On an independent film where you're working with just a handful of people, you don't have to explain anything because no one cares. You can do whatever you want. There's no one there to tell you not to do it.
I just want to be a free writer. I think I am serving my country and my people by providing an independent narrative.
I want to do a gritty, independent film, maybe in Scotland or something. I'll have an outrageous accent, and flowing red hair.
We need real leadership, Democrat, Republican and independent to stand up and say, we have to live within our means.
I want to tell BJP and Congress that BSP is not a toy for anyone. It's an independent party formed at the national level.
One of the most awesome things about sports, particularly team sports, is that everything you need to do to be successful on the playing field carries over directly into life. In a team sport you have to learn how to work together, to set goals, and then work toward those goals in a productive way. You learn to be responsible and you learn how to not only depend on others, but also be independent so you can support others.
The framers of the Constitution were so clear in the federalist papers and elsewhere that they felt an independent judiciary was critical to the success of the nation.
I really do like being independent, and I don't want to have to rely on anyone else to cart me around if I break a bone.
Passive acceptance of the teacher's wisdom is easy to most boys and girls. It involves no effort of independent thought, and seems rational because the teacher knows more than his pupils; it is moreover the way to win the favour of the teacher unless he is a very exceptional man. Yet the habit of passive acceptance is a disastrous one in later life. It causes man to seek and to accept a leader, and to accept as a leader whoever is established in that position.
From here [the Gaza withdrawal], our people begin the march towards establishing an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital
To me, authority is something that a freer spirit, a more independent mind, and a person who can handle the world, doesn't need guidance from.
Kids are super-independent. This is the time when you don't need your parents for a story anymore. You have a great degree of agency and independence. — © Mo Willems
Kids are super-independent. This is the time when you don't need your parents for a story anymore. You have a great degree of agency and independence.
Independent horror movies have really stepped up the game, and hopefully mainstream Hollywood will follow suit.
Now that I've established myself in a drama, I'm plugging away, trying to get the attention of people who do the independent movies and the features.
Courage, an independent spark from heaven's bright throne, by which the soul stands raised, triumphant, high, alone.
TV is sort of the only way to go for an actress my age to make a decent salary; with independent films, you just can't.
Israel is a democratic state with an independent judiciary, a free press and a diverse population of many cultures, religions and creeds.
The greater part of the governments on earth may be termed monarchical aristocracies, or hereditary dominions independent of the people.
I'm an independent game developer - there's not exactly an offline version of that. This is where my community is; everybody I'm close to I know because of the Internet.
I have simply wished to assert the reasoned and independent feeling of my own individuality within a total knowledge of tradition.
I used to work at HAL, where I made 'Kirby' and 'Smash Bros.' After that, I became an independent designer, but I didn't have my own team.
Human dignity is independent of national borders. We must always defend the interests of the poor and the persecuted in other countries. — © Kjell Magne Bondevik
Human dignity is independent of national borders. We must always defend the interests of the poor and the persecuted in other countries.
For the first six years of my career I was independent. I got on to a major and did my thing there. I had platinum and gold records and all that.
Britain's independent possession of nuclear weapons has turned into a political touchstone for commitment to national defense, but this is an illusion.
Any claim to actual identification as a drama must rest upon the construction of a plot independent of the assignment of affliction to the protagonist.
To the best of my knowledge, there has never been a monetary union, putting out a fiat currency, composed of independent states.
I've been doing mostly independent films, and things like 'Goal' give me a chance to have more options.
I love indie movies. I think that independent cinema is where it's at and where a lot of trends begin. It's where new filmmakers are breaking through.
The workforce is getting Uberized. The gig economy is taking over the world. Independent-contractor jobs are the new normal.
I'd always wanted to work in television once I found out that they started to hire independent filmmakers to direct.
In the early '90s when the American independent movie started, it held personal vision as a premium. That was brilliant timing.
On a number of occasions, I have made it clear that Sinn Fein policy was to argue for the establishment of an independent, international truth commission.
You can't ignore the Asian and Hispanic populations in L.A. We can let audiences know independent film is not just about white men.
Definitely, when you get into something where bands are playing for 30,000 people, it's not like the post-punk, U.S. independent scene.
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