Top 1200 Love Yourself First Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Love Yourself First quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
Remember, in our inmost being, we are all completely lovable because spirit is love. Beyond what anyone can make you think or feel about yourself, your unconditioned spirit stands, shining with a love nothing can tarnish.
Love yourself. Be proud of who you are.
Blues was my first love. It was the first thing where I said, 'Oh man, this is the stuff.' It just sounded so raw and honest, gut-bucket honest. From then I started rebelling.
The first song I ever wrote was called 'Because I Love You.' I was very inspired by the Spice Girls and they were singing about love and stuff and I was seven. — © MO
The first song I ever wrote was called 'Because I Love You.' I was very inspired by the Spice Girls and they were singing about love and stuff and I was seven.
Dare to love yourself
The religion and it's many barbed indoctrinating tendrils just start to become what makes you who you are, so you have to kind of destroy yourself to be able to rebuild yourself and make yourself whole again.
People love misery, they love to feel sorry for themselves, and they definitely don't want to be enlightened. That's the first thing they tell you at boot camp in the higher worlds.
I'm thankful that I proved myself in music which is my first love, my first passion before I got involved in this media. I am hoping to bring it back to the music now.
You first parents of the human race...who ruined yourself for an apple, what might you have done for a truffled turkey?
You [future first ladies] will feel that you are no longer clothing yourself, you are dressing a public monument.
You have to look at yourself objectively. Analyze yourself like an instrument. You have to be absolutely frank with yourself. Face your handicaps, don't try to hide them. Instead, develop something else.
No. It was because it was the first time I made love to anyone. You can call me a liar or anything else, but do not doubt me on this. And I swear to you that you were the first, and you will be the last. ~Wraith
I just love the fact that that's the way life is. When something horrible happens, you do find yourself laughing in weird places in the midst of grief and crying in the supermarket when you see a cereal that somebody used to eat. There's just no way of guarding yourself one way or another. Everybody grieves differently, and there's no right or wrong way.
My advice to first time filmmakers is believe in yourself and the message you want to give in the film you are making. — © Lisa Immordino Vreeland
My advice to first time filmmakers is believe in yourself and the message you want to give in the film you are making.
I witnessed first-hand the self-defeating results of putting yourself under so much pressure to perform.
Surround yourself with what you love.
Love is the most practical thing in the world. To love, to be kind, not to be greedy, not to be ambitious, not to be influenced by people but to think for yourself-these are all very practical things, and they will bring about a practical, happy society.
First love is first love, first marriage is first marriage, disappointment is disappointment.
I won the speech competition in class, and I always say this was my first 'spoken word performance.' It was the first time I got on stage and recited something. I fell in love with the stage at the age of 12.
There is no such thing as love at first sight, Bryan. There's only sex at first sight.
Optimism is the first cousin of love, and it's exactly like love in three ways: it's pushy, it has no real sense of humour, and it turns up where you least expect it.
When you're a teenager, everything is amplified because everything is a first. The first time you feel othered, the first time you feel rejected, the first time you fall in love... it's the first time, so it's so vivid, and everything feels like the whole world almost, because it is your whole world; your world is small when you're a teenager.
Many thousands of people have had the experience of finding the first friend, and it is none the less a wonder; as great a wonder (pace the novelists) as first love, or even greater.
Evil exists because of the disobedience of Satan. God gave Satan, and the angels, and man free will. Satan used his free will and abused it by not obeying authority. Hell was created by Satan’s disobedience to God, and his purposeful removal from God’s love—which is what hell is. Removing yourself from God’s love. You send yourself to hell. God does not send you there.
A first lesson in the fragility of love and the preternatural cowardice of men. And out of this disillusionment and turmoil sprang Beli's first adult oath, one that would follow her into adulthood, to the States and beyond. I will not serve.
To be happy, it first takes being comfortable being in your own shoes. The rest can work up from there. The hardest situation to stay happy, I think, is when you're trying to find love, and yourself at the same time. It just doesn't seem to fit well. So I believe that happiness is being able to wake up and just know that this is what you wanted, and not what somebody else wanted.
At this moment, life is trying to love you and give to you in a million wonderful ways. When you say Yes, you allow love to flow, which is the greatest gift you can give yourself and the universe . . . What do you want that you could be more open to receiving?
If you don’t love yourself, who is supposed to do it for you?
Definitely love yourself.
When they finally did dare it, at first with stolen glances and then candid ones, they had to smile. They were uncommonly proud. For the first time they had done something out of Love.
You should love yourself.
Love yourself no matter what!
I urge you all today, especially today during these times of chaos and war, to love yourself without reservations and to love each other without restraint. Unless you're into leather.
I curse you," it said. "All who love you will die. Their love will be their destruction. It may take moments, it may take years, but any who look upon you with love will die of it, unless you remove yourself from them forever. And I shall begin it with her." It snarled in Ella’s direction, and vanished.
Define yourself by what you love.
My first impression when I heard 'Heaven' was, 'Do not let anyone else have that song! I'm putting it on hold.' I knew it was special from the first time I heard it, and I thought my fans would love it as much as I did.
Laugh at yourself, but don't ever aim your doubt at yourself. Be bold. When you embark for strange places, don't leave any of yourself safely on shore. Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory.
The mother's first kiss teaches the child love; the first holy kiss of the woman he loves teaches man hope and faith in life; and love and faith create a desire for perfection and the power of reaching towards it step by step; create the future, in short, of which the living symbol is the child, link between us and the generations to come.
The first time I went into space was just so much more than you could imagine or prepare yourself for. — © Peggy Whitson
The first time I went into space was just so much more than you could imagine or prepare yourself for.
If you love friends, you will serve your friends. If you love community, you will serve your community. If you love money, you will serve your money. And if you love only yourself, you will serve only yourself. And you will have only yourself.
Distress not yourself if you cannot at first understand the deeper mysteries of Spaceland. By degrees they will dawn upon you.
You don't have to earn or deserve love. You are love. Loving is never about how others treat you. It is always about how you are treating yourself.
It's hard to tell yourself to get ready when it's like, 'I need to make this freaking team first.'
Just as you are unconsciously influenced by outside advertisement, announcement, and appeal, so you can vitally influence your life from within by auto-suggestion. The first thing each morning, and the last thing each night, suggest to yourself specific ideas that you wish to embody in your character and personality. Address such suggestions to yourself, silently or aloud, until they are deeply impressed upon your mind.
Set the tone for your day be treating people better than you expect to be treated by them. Be the first to smile. Express your appreciation for them. Expect the best out of them. If you act first, you will set yourself up for success.
Daughter, I want you to form the most intense, loving relationship with yourself. Only then will you realize your capacity for kindness and emotional expansiveness. Daughter, after you have formed this relationship with yourself, I want you to love others with the openness and humility that you always embodied as a child. Daughter, I want you to forgive easily, laugh loudly and never allow yourself to become the invisible, silent woman that your mother was. Daughter, this is how we soften our hearts and become better human beings.
Gather knowledge about the craft of writing. Immerse yourself in the art of it. Then write. Write yourself silly. Write yourself mad. Write yourself blind. Trust the excitement that builds within you when the idea is good and the writing is superb. You can do it, but that's the hell of it as well as the exultation of it. You have to do it.
The more you learn to love yourself, the better actor you will be. That's always going to be my training. Every part is, 'How can I learn to love myself more?'
Go now and wash yourself first, for the sun will laugh at you if he sees how dirty you are. — © Johanna Spyri
Go now and wash yourself first, for the sun will laugh at you if he sees how dirty you are.
Love yourself just as you are.
Writing in the first person, you immediately open yourself up to the idea that there's a connection between you and the narrator.
I think that a lot of the time, we get in our own heads and make up what other people are thinking, but no one actually cares about the thing you think they care about. You just gotta take that weight off your shoulders and be nice to yourself and be yourself. People will fall in love with who that is.
My love for sports will never die. I love martial arts and I want to promote it in whichever way I can. I am a fighter first, then an actor.
Someone asked me about the difference between love and lust. Hmmm. That will take a little thought. How to tell the difference? Well, for guys, if she looks better AFTER you've made love to her than before, that might be love. If you find yourself itching to get out the door afterward, probably just lust, y'know?
Forgiving is, first of all, a way of helping yourself to get free of the unfair pain somebody caused you.
what I must learn is to love with all of me, giving all of me, and yet remain whole in myself. Any other kind of love is too demanding of the other; it takes, rather than gives. To love so completely that you lose yourself in another person is not good. You are giving a weight, not the sense of lightness and light that loving someone should give.
When we preach the love of God there is a danger of forgetting that the Bible reveals not first the love of God but the intense, blazing holiness of God, with His love at the center of that holiness.
Imagine the first time you are about to rap in a studio and you find yourself in a booth with Redman and KRS!
Don't forget to love yourself.
Believing in yourself is the first step to accomplishing any goal. If you think you're going to fail, you probably will.
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