Top 554 Machinery Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Machinery quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
One of the major lessons in all of biochemistry, cell biology and molecular medicine is that when proteins operate at the sub cellular level, they behave in a certain way as if they're mechanical machinery.
In that moment, the machinery of the world lined up. Somewhere a clock struck midnight, and Hugo's future seemed to fall perfectly into place.
Any time Uncle Sam, with all his machinery for warfare, is held to a draw by some rice eaters, he's lost the battle. — © Malcolm X
Any time Uncle Sam, with all his machinery for warfare, is held to a draw by some rice eaters, he's lost the battle.
In order to fulfill the aspirations of masses, we have to sharpen the tool called the government machinery: we have to make it keen, more dynamic, and it is in this direction that we are working.
An espionage organization is a collector: it collects raw information. That gets processed by a machinery that is supposed to resolve its reliability, and to present a finished product.
By perfecting this legislative machinery and by participating in the various international agreements we intend to contribute to the wholesome development of world trade.
Lie bills and calculations much perplexed, With steam-boats, frigates, and machinery quaint Traced over them in blue and yellow paint.
I really don't like being on television. It makes me uneasy. It is not natural to be talking to a piece of machinery. But the money is very good.
I really just can't watch myself. I see all the machinery at work and it just drives me nuts.
We can engineer a building and design a building with least reliance on active machinery to make it inhabitable.
At Ferrari they didn't give me the space, and at Honda I had the space but I didn't have the machinery.
All this machinery making modern music can still be open-hearted. Not so boldly charted, it's really just a question of your honesty.
It is the darling delusion of mankind that the world is progressive in religion, toleration, freedom, as it is progressive in machinery. — © Moncure D. Conway
It is the darling delusion of mankind that the world is progressive in religion, toleration, freedom, as it is progressive in machinery.
Our awareness is all that is alive and maybe sacred in any of us. Everything else about us is dead machinery.
Spermaceti oil is valued for its high resistance to heat, and thus it is used in machinery where there is excessive heat.
An organised system of machines, to which motion is communicated by the transmitting mechanism from a central automation, is the most developed form of production by machinery.
Anxiety in human life is what squeaking and grinding are in machinery that is not oiled. In life, trust is the oil.
Law is the great civilizing machinery. It liberates the desire to build and subdues the desire to destroy.
The technical is not just the machinery. The technical is a disposition to life.
Machinery may make for efficiency and a standardisation of life, but horse love is a bond of freemasonry which unites the entire race.
The Liberal Party abandoned the principles of reform and social liberalism and has become, instead, just another piece of political machinery in the service of corporatism.
Women can succeed in villages all over the world today without relying on heavy machinery or debt. They can take leadership roles in agriculture, eliminating hunger and inequity.
The republic which sinks to sleep, trusting to constitutions and machinery, to politicians and statesmen, for the safety of its liberties, never will have any.
Any show that includes guns or machinery or stuff like that, you need to trust who's around you because blanks are flying.
Hollywood is ten million dollars worth of intricate and high ingenious machinery functioning elaborately to put skin on baloney.
We have no government and no laws, if by law is meant a stereotyped convention supported by force, and not to be altered without the aid of cumbersome machinery.
I defied the machinery to make me its slave. Its incessant discords could not drown the music of my thoughts if I would let them fly high enough.
The crucial fact to realize about all the powerful machinery of the Corporate State - its laws, structure, political system - is that it possesses no mind.
To be sure, no piece of social machinery, however well constructed, can be effective unless there is back of it a will and a determination to make it work.
When the state machinery defends criminals and the public prosecutors collude with the accused in certain cases and the victims are members of a particular community, then 'Justice to all' is empty rhetoric.
Nothing increases the number of jobs so rapidly as labor-saving machinery, because it releases wants theretofore unknown, by permitting leisure.
If the veil of the world's machinery were lifted off, how much we would find is done in answer to the prayers of God's children.
Man will never be enslaved by machinery if the man tending the machine be paid enough.
You shouldn't hate your body parts. I have lovely little ears and eyelashes so long they sometimes get tangled in the machinery when I have my eyes tested.
Those who have an interest in keeping the machinery of war going will stop at nothing to make public opinion subservient to their murderous ends.
I believe... that security declines as security machinery expands.
People in the future look back on primitive machinery or technology or painting, and in some ways, it always seems amazingly intricate and finely wrought.
Tact does for life just what lubricating oil does for machinery. — © Laura Ingalls Wilder
Tact does for life just what lubricating oil does for machinery.
In all my documentaries I did all the camera work, but in fiction I didn't want to do it myself. I think the machinery is so heavy and demanding that you would leave the actors alone for a long time.
Human nature, as manifested in tribalism and nationalism, provides the momentum of the machinery of human evolution.
You cannot look too much at the result, you need to also look at yourself and what you've done, how you have maximised the machinery that you have.
One thing I learned from all my years in business is you really have to work with the experts: you can launch something yourself, but unless you have the expertise and the marketing strategies and machinery behind you, you'll never be successful.
It is great to be a part of big-budget movies, but it is harder to feel like you are contributing, in the sense that it has such big machinery behind it.
Climate protection creates sustainability and jobs in the real economy - in construction, in the production of heavy machinery and in systems engineering.
Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe.
What fools indeed we morals are to lavish care upon a car, with never a bit of time to see about our own machinery!
My nucleus of friends or something protects me from the machinery that is Hollywood. I don't think I'm on the same quest that a lot of people are. I guess that could be a limitation.
The machinery of government is a vast series of interlocking hierarchies riddled through and through with incompetence. — © Laurence J. Peter
The machinery of government is a vast series of interlocking hierarchies riddled through and through with incompetence.
Many of the birds Audubon painted are now extinct, and still we go on killing them, more or less casually, with our pesticides and wires and machinery.
If [politician] is not fulfilling his function, they then can set up the machinery to remove him from that position by whatever means necessary.
A camel is a horse designed by a committee and a committee's a sweet running piece of machinery compared to any government.
Man is only man at the surface. Remove the skin, dissect, and immediately you come to machinery.
Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of the social machinery.
The working class must break up, smash the "ready-made state machinery," and not confine itself merely to laying hold of it.
I have been treated better than I should have been---not by life in general nor by the machinery of things but by women.
The American political machinery is awesome to behold in its scale and expense and waste and madness. It's the greatest circus on Earth I suppose.
We cannot afford to raise any institution to the rank of a fetish. To do so would be simply to become the slaves of our own machinery.
In [my] life ... I did not understand steam machinery, but I tried to understand that much more complicated piece of mechanism - man.
It is only the constant exertion and working of our sensitive, intellectual, moral, and physical machinery that keeps us from rusting, and so becoming useless.
My own brain is to me the most unaccountable of machinery - always buzzing, humming, soaring roaring diving, and then buried in mud. And why? What's this passion for?
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